Do you really believe that the Germans are all rainbows and unicorns and patty cake?
No. But I believe there are a few folks on here who believe any nonsense conspiracy theory. Or at least like to troll with it.
You wanted to read The Swarm. I also recommend Der Baader-Meinhof-Komplex.
I watched the movie. It ends with them being executed.
Oh hang on… that was the movie “Stammheim” written by Stefan Aust of “Der Spiegel” Fame.
State execution, planned suicide or whatever. In the time that has passed it is a case of: “Don’t ask!”
By the was I met Brigitte Mohnhaupt, she walked into the restaurant I was working in, and remember the posters were all over the place. Evidently she saw the look on my face. Smiled at me and walked out again.
Deutsche Welle: Der Verfassungsschutz und seine Skandale
Das dunkelste Kapitel: der NSU
Die Mitglieder des sogenannten Nationalsozialistischen Untergrunds (NSU) ermordeten neun Migranten und eine Polizistin. Das Umfeld der Terroristen wird auf 100 bis 200 Personen geschätzt - darunter auch V-Leute des Verfassungsschutzes.
So soll der Thüringer Verfassungsschutz nach Aussage des früheren V-Mannes Tino Brandt indirekt die im Untergrund lebenden Mitglieder des NSU mitfinanziert haben. Brandt, einst zweiter Landesvorsitzender der NPD Thüringen, erklärte, er habe als V-Mann Geld vom Verfassungsschutz Thüringen bekommen. Das habe er teilweise für die Terrorgruppe gespendet. Dies sei mit Wissen des Verfassungsschutzes geschehen, so der frühere Neonazi im Untersuchungsausschuss des baden-württembergischen Landtags in Stuttgart.
EuroNews: Romanian centre-right party’s TikTok campaign used for far-right win
A communications agency picked influencers to make TikTok videos about the qualities of a future Romanian president for the centre-right PNL party, endorsing little-known ultranationalist Georgescu instead.
Romania’s center-right National Liberal Party (PNL) has paid for a campaign on videosharing platform TikTok which ultimately led to the win of far-right ultranationalist candidate Calin Georgescu in the first round of the presidential election on 24 November, a report published by investigative outlet suggests.
Some 130 influencers, picked by Kensington Communications — a company carrying out the campaign on behalf of PNL — received a script and conveyed to the public the qualities of a future president in a video. Some influencers wrote in the comments on the video, “Calin Georgescu.”
The campaign gathered 2.4 million views.
The report quotes a source from Romania’s tax authority, which conducted the investigation into the political spending, who said, “it is a shock for everyone that the public money offered by taxpayers to the PNL was used to promote another candidate.”
Wow, did not know that, although I fully believe it.
This was a thread about the upcoming elections and the worrisome trend of the AfD. It takes one troll and some half-baked stories to turn this into fairytales how the evil government can rig the election, murder murderers or allegedly sponsored terror.
Whataboutism and relativization of right wing demagoguery.
Wwll threads like this are not static and linear, they evolve and adapt. Most threads would be short if this were so.
Also I dont think you can understand the AfD without understanding the history.
Sure. I fail to see the link to Stammheim or the NSU though. The links are to the Euro crisis, the general rise of populism, immigration and a specific East German inferiority complex.
Stammheim was the movie done by Stefan Aust who researched the incident, he was the main guy at Der Spiegel and a honoured journalist… We don´t talk about the HIter Tagebücher.
So I think it is a possibility.
Well, with the amount of moles and inside-men the various LKAs have in AfD, you sometimes wonder who is running the show there…
Apart from Italy, the southern EU countries are actually doing OK or even good atm.
Didn’t I hear Germany is gonna have a problem again - the second time at least - to keep up with the guidelines?
Germany is the EU’s Trump: Guilty but not punished. At least last time.
Do you mean that they grow or that indices like unemployment or salaries are comparable to the northern ones?
Exactly. There’s not much alternative either, with most of the other parties offering infinity refugees and calling you racist or a right wing extremist if you disagree with such a policy.
22 posts were merged into an existing topic: Old, older and maybe new arguments for/against immigration
Ya sure? Just yesterday the FT published an interesting piece, Reversal of fortunes: Europe’s thriving south and stagnant north
The article doesn’t exactly paint a rosy picture, and part of it are post-covid EU founds, but the best is:
But Christian Schulz, Euro area economist at Citi, says “the higher growth rates . . . are driven by real improvements”, pointing to years of below-average price and wage increases as well as some limited reforms of the labour market. “A 30 per cent disadvantage in unit labour costs that existed over the first decade of the currency union has been offset,” he adds.
This painful protracted economic stagnation was needed because of the currency peg, I mean mean common currency.
hmmmm, them looking feeling neglected and annoyed about it is almost worth the digress from the thread subject.