B Permit Geneva Canton

Dear all,

Hope you are having a great summer so far. My employer submitted the B permit application on behalf of me on June 17. On June 22, the tracking information said that the status changed to "Attente de pieces". In particular, the description says "Des documents complémentaires sont nécessaires pour la poursuite de l’examen. Ces derniers peuvent vous être réclamés directement ou être demandés à un autre service de l’Etat." My understanding is that some complementary documents are requested by Geneva canton. However, the HR told me that he had confirmed no document was required and it was just a standard status. However, such status has been there for over a week and so far I have not received the notice of approval from Geneva canton after over two weeks. Did any of you have similar experience and could kindly share your wisdom?

Thank you very much.

Best regards,


Dear all,

Hope this message finds you all well. As I am having some urgent family situation, any clues about the recent processing time to get the Geneva Canton level's approval for B permit would be extremely helpful. The HR of my company informed me that the application was submitted to the Commission by the OCIRT on June 27. Could any one kindly share your recent experience?

Thank you very much.

Best regards,


Bumping this.


Welcome to the forum.

I guess the answer here is “à un autre service de l’Etat.” which translates to “another public office”.

Take a look at the workflow for B permits. The public offices involved are: (i) cantonal labor market authority, (ii) SEM - federal immigration office. At some point in the process, there’s also involved a third organization: cantonal immigration authority.


Not sure where your application is on this process. But, it’s feasible that they are waiting documents from another government office, not from your employer.

That was my first thought too. The tracking of the application is with the cantonal migration administration. It might simply be that the "pièces" they are waiting for is the positive or negative recommendation of the labour authority.

That decision by the labour authority is the first step. They will send the decision to the migration office, and a copy to your employer (who must forward a copy to you), so you'll know when that first decision is made without having to check the tracking.

Ah, I just saw your other posts (these should be merged really, they're questions regarding the same situation). So you did already receive the notice that the application has moved from the labour authority to migration. It is possible that migration thinks the file is incomplete, and in the process of either requesting material from your employer, or from any number of institutions.

It takes some time, try not to stress too much. For a first permit, you can expect several weeks.

Thank you so much for taking time to type in reply here. The HR told me that my application was with the OCIRT and would be submitted to the "Commission" (which I assume refers to the Tripartite Market Commission of Geneva Canton). Based on some research, this Commission reviews stay applications of longer than four months. After the Commission gives the green light then the application will move forward to the Federal Office for Migration (ODM). So my understanding is that my application is still with the labor market stage? If that is the case, is it possible that they may need information from other departments?

Really appreciate it!

Best regards,


Thank you so much for spending the time to reply to me. That is very helpful to know.

Just to let everyone know that I have received the approval from the OCIRT of Geneva Canton last week, which is exactly 3 weeks since the application was submitted. Thank you all for your kind inputs.