I have a couple of US based companies for sale and am looking for someone, or a company (maybe attorney?) who knows how to do this work. I'm not looking to sell the companies here, just needing help if someone has dealt with this sort of work. Your ideas are greatly appreciated. If you know someone who does this type of work, please let me know.
For privacy concerns I do not want to share the company names before knowing how to proceed.
In case this helps, both companies are shelfed companies, Delaware LLCs (S Corps). Both have registered trademarks and websites. One was registered in 2014, the other in 2020.
One is a life coaching company (2014) with no assets besides several domain names, registered trademark (in 4 classes), and a Youtube channel with 32K members. Clients will not migrate with sale.
The other is a domain name company with over 250 domain names, registered trademark (in 2 classes), no YT channel, no clients. Just a shelfed S Corp with assets (domains).
Both companies were built to exist online to provide the mobile lifestyle.
My health is not what it used to be and my life is taking another path. Hence, if you can help me in knowing how to enrich someone else with these two companies, please let me know.
Thank you!
It sounds like you might want to find a merger and acquisitions firm to assist you in finding buyers.
Hadn't thought of that. Thank you!
Merge them together, that way problem is half solved
Excuse my ignorance, but that sounds like nothing business wise, so I don't understand why do you bother. How much does it cost to close those companies and how much does it cost to wind-up such? I'm guessing that it's something between these lines, maybe it's cheaper to buy it rather than pay all the registration and trademark fees? If so, I'm really curious how much money are we talking about
the first one is probably not worth that much if clients are not part of the package. who would want to buy a company without custmores???.
the second would really depend on the domains
try a marketplace like flippa
I know several influencers who may be interested, how much are they going for? Do you accept bitcoin?
Ask Jim2007, he knows absolutely everything
Two post and two dumb comments, well done.
If they're Delaware LLCs then I'd contact a mergers and acquisitions firm in Delaware that deals with small to medium sized businesses. Usually they'll talk to you to give you an idea of what your options are before asking for a retainer fee (and they don't always ask for a retainer fee). If possible, try to find a firm that deals with websites / online companies.
Or, if you want to know what they do to try to find a buyer, send me a private message and I can tell you. I worked for an M&A firm in Seattle for years.
They can't be merged. They have nothing to do with each other and since they both have registered trademarks, which can't be changed, merging them is not possible.
Fair question. The coaching company, because it has a good Duns rating, since it was established in 2014, and also because it has a trademark in 4 classes, great domain names, and a YT channel with 33K subs, it could maybe sell in the low 6 figures.
The domain company, because of its assets alone, which are in the low 6 figures, could probably easily sell for the mid 6 figures.
So, not something to just dissolve...
I think you'll be in for a unpleasant surprise re your estimates. Company valuations have very very little to do with how many YT subscribers they have and a lot with the sales they are able to generate. If it's a profitable business, maybe you can rather negotiate with someone to manage it on your behalf in exchange for equity.
Is there any revenue ?
Assets are usually in the eye of the beholder.
Don't forget you need 2 people to agree to sign.....
I just realized that, in my reply message to you, I forgot to mention that if you do end up contacting a business broker or M&A firm, you can also ask for a valuation. Sometimes they even offer free valuations.
There is no revenue, as I said, these are shelfed corporations, with some assets.
Then just dispose of the assets, make a capital distribution and request a strike off. Any CPA should be able to do the paperwork for a couple of hundred dollars.
Probably worth a lot less than you believe then !