It got to 3am this morning and I put my clock back an hour. Then it got to 3am and I put my clock back an hour. Then it got to 3am and I put my clock back an hour. Then it got to 3am and I put my clock back an hour. Then it got to 3am and I put my clock back an hour. Then it got to 3am and I put my clock back an hour.
Yup and it's 1984, Frankie Goes to Hollywood are number one in the charts and you need to wear white and carry a Walkman. Just wait for Marty and the De Lorean to take you back to Basel, pay the driver when you board the car.
The DST (Daylight Saving Time), or Summer time will begin on the 2 5 th of March at 2:00 AM. at least here in Switzerland..
However, depending on the zone where you are located, this change might be effective on a different date. As an example, Switzerland and USA – Eastern time are not implementing this change on the same date as shown in the link.
Nowadays, most of the electronic devices (mobile phones, computers...) are able to adjust their time settings automatically if they have been configured correctly (at least the time zone needs to correct). But it’s worth to check it in order to avoid surprises.
The EF server is also showing the correct time, and if not, go to your UserCP ( Control Panel ) and ensure ( if in CH ) that the settings are correct for you.