Driver's Licence --> Extension to another category

Hi all,

So, some questions for the drivers and maybe some advice.
I would like to get and drive a scooter (the bigger ones, suitable for 2 people) and for this I need either the A category or A 1 /2 (If I remember from last searches). I do have my B permit earned 20 years ago in my home country / converted to the Swiss one.

Now, question time :
Because I saw the prices here for extra hours and exams (which might not be in EN) → Can I get an A permit in a different country, for example my home country and try to convert it here ? [I would say no, since I am resident here already, but would ask to see if anyone has been thru this situation]
Or any other “cheaper” solutions would be appreciated.
Was thinking of doing at least the practical part somewhere else… but, what about the permit in the end ? And also, I can’t wait for 2 years [read somewhere this is the process] until I get the actual licence [Would need to drive also in different countries]

Thank you,

I guess in theory it is possible, but in practice, I’m not sure it is possible. I doubt you can add a category for a foreign license so first you would have to surrender your license for the foreign country license which may entail changing residence. Then take the exam, get the new license and then surrender and convert to the Swiss one.

When I converted my UK license I had a whole lot of strange categories which got converted. I finally gave them up after a few years as they required additional periodic testing. I figured I wasn’t likely to drive a minibus while towing a 750kg trailer so let it lapse when I couldn’t find a doctor who knew how to test for this in Basel.

Simple answer is no you can’t.

You can’t, because you’re resident.

But nothing keeps you from practicing abroad, with or without a teacher (though the killer would be getting your bike there and back, as probably you can’t rent before having the full license). You might get by with taking a couple lessons domestically so you can be shown the details and tricks, in theory you don’t need any lessons at all.

Exactly, maybe just take the lessons abroad if cheaper and then take the exam here.

so then, main question → If I already have the classic B permit [driver’s] do I still need to pay and take the first aid + theoretical exams ? or can I just do the practical test [which hopefully can be with an inspector that speaks EN / or at least uses simple language {links/rechts}] ?