Federal popular vote on 9 June 2024

Yes, some of the stuff so misleading, it bordered on straight lies.

In the German-speaking cantons only 43% support the premium subsidies, according to the poll. Sounds to me like even if in total 50.01% should vote in favour, unlikely that majority of cantons is reached.

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I had no idea this existed. Maybe, there is no dichotomy between agriculture and solar panels. Some crops need some shade anyway…

Looks likw 3 x Non, 1 x Oui. The government will be happy.

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Great! That’s how I voted.

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No one should pay more than 10% income on health insurance. Dead.

Stop the increase of health costs? Nope.

New electricity law that supports even more renewables? YES.

Antivax? Can they recover from this clear NO?


You would think the UDC would realise they are out of step with the voters.

So will we all be forced to get vaccinated now?

Nah, the way I understood the argument was that there is already legislation to prevent forced medical intervention.

So did I. I hope they do something about rising costs of health insurance, but this wasn’t the way (fingers crossed for the counterproposal).

The Green voter stronghold of canton Aargau…what?

The article, approved by 56.8% of voters on Sunday, says the canton and the municipalities are committed to limiting climate change and strengthening their ability to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. In doing so, they must take into account the objectives of the federal government and the international agreements that are binding for Switzerland.

Committed to limiting climate change is curious. Few solar panels here and there. Not much more.

Strengthening the ability to adapt to the adverse effects is the interesting one: secure fresh water sources, air conditioning, agriculture research, etc.

I would have 4x No.

Yes to more electricity, but I don’t see the need to limit to just renewables. We should look at all the options and choose the best ones for each situation.

Atomkraft, atomkraft :partying_face: