I smiled because my seven year old son was fussing over his newborn baby sister and looked up to ask me: 'but Mommy, what fun stuff can she do?' Priceless...
only our 5 year old smiles when he farts! the rest of us pretend it was the 5 year old. Maybe when you grow up you forget the simple plesures in life - ok I will try to smile next time.... no sorry cant do it.
I smile when my washing basket is empty .. with 4 kids thats a feet to be proud of.
I smiled yesterday because the men digging up the road (for the past 5 months) directly outside my apartment had a day off! So I was not woken up at daft oclock in the morning.
Today I am smiling because even though the jack hammers are back with a passion, the shops are open so I can buy some asprin!
I'm reading this book called The Burglar Diaries by Danny King, and every second page makes me smile.
The book is simply hilarious, I would recommend the read. It's bound to make you smile :-)
I smile a lot here. I like my life.
Right now I'm smiling because it is a totally goregous day, the door to the balcony is open, the air is cool and fresh and I can see down and across the valley and our goregous view.
And I'm smiling because Lilypup, our sweet dog, is lying in the sun. Ah, to sleep like this dog can sleep.
. . . . my boss just walked by in his socks and there was a hole in them . . . and his toe was sticking out How cute is that??? It was a much needed smile.
The peace and quiet yesterday was simply stunning and a welcome relief. I made the most of it - no radio, no TV, no iPod, and it was wonderful.
And I'm just smiling at the positive thinking there
I smiled yesterday as it was a lovely day. Had taken my boys to the zoo in the morning without any arguements breaking out, and then everything and everyone felt so summery when I was driving back by the lake. The paddle boats were bobbing on the water in abundance, the tourists were strolling by and enjoying their ice creams, the motor bikers had their t-shirts on driving by, the open top cars had their tops down and everyone it seemed had a smile on their face and was making the most of the day. I love Zurich in the summer
... my sisters' plane is gonna arrive on time. We're set for 16 days of fun here and in Italy. They're so gonna try all the Swiss food -- I'll make 'em eat it!
.. my 'care package' arrived from rainy, cold, wet Melbourne today... and now i'm eating a tim tam slam on my sunny balcony!
Aaaaaaw...isn't this the cutest thing. It just made me smile.
the weather is awesome and I promise myself never wanna worry without the reason... Life is great dude
I'm smiling because I ate nearly a whole hour ago and haven't thrown up yet!
I'm smiling at the thought of a spider-killing yorkshire terrier. She should have a cape.
I smiled watching said killer terrier! Promise to film it at next opportunity to share... its priceless
I am smilling this morning because this is my second month leaving without ciggarates. Beautiful !
I am smiling because of kittster because she has put my mind at rest, thankyou so much kittster you are a star i feel better now THANKYOU.
I'm smiling as I go through my photos and finding one of my sister's dog. She has a thing for plastic bottles.
I smiled yesterday because I saw two fairly butch blokes cooing over a baby in a pram at the main railway station in Zurich.
I smiled because the bench where we sit to eat lunch every day is a favourite fly-by fast-food pick-up spot for the local birds..and every day they politely wait until we've sat down and then one will fly down and stand next to us and chirp in a persuasive way in manner of 'oh go on, just a little crumb for me' and we give him some, and then two seconds later the next one flies down and indicates that he'd be most obliged if we'd give him some too..and I just love the way they chirp and the incline their heads, as though they are waiting for your reply!it's a daily habit now, and it makes me smile every day