A bit silly, didn’t watch it, but it’s not really valid to take a Germanic language and remove all the Germanic elements from it. If they had not been there then ‘English’ would have simply been a form of French with Latin and Gaelic spattered through.
Latin because British Celtic language had already incorporated a lot from the Romans before the Saxons and co. started coming over, and long before the Normans brought their French, such that a lot of English words that may be similar to French did not come from their, but much erlier, directly from the Latin.
At work: Mainly English, then French once a week or so, Spanish when needed, and since A couple months ago, ver basic German.
At home: Spanish spiked with FR, DE and plenty of anglicisms don’t ask me the name of the produce I buy in the farm in Spanish, we just go by names in Swiss languages.
3: mother tongue: Spanish. English and French, I work with them. German, A2? Simple discussions at work and surviving in German speaking CH. Italian, I can survive while traveling