Life is getting tough in the UK

Science would beg to differ.

Highly processed foods can be considered addictive substances based on established scientific criteria


I guess it depends on your definition of addictive

The Covid-19 pandemic pushed me into cooking more so an unexpected benefit, now I eat ready meals or takeaways less than once per week and eat a lot more poultry and fish.

There it is in the article, what I just mentioned. If you eat nutritious stuff, appetite is more in control. The sweets and baked goods may not contain the secret addictive sauce, they might be only empty.

The type of food predominantly consumed in binges are HPFs (highly processed foods), whereas MPFs (such as fruits and are less likely to be consumed during binges. Higher dietary intake of MPFs, including high-fat nuts, is inversely associated with binge eating disorder. In contrast, higher dietary intake of HPFs, such as sweets and baked goods, is positively associated with binge eating disorder.

So, the paragraph below says that eating a box of Oreos is associated with a greater subjective experience of enjoyment. I may be crazy, but I fell I’ll enjoy more the fish or the beef I have on the fridge than anything I can buy in Denner. Fish is for nutrients, but the steak will completely alter my mood.

Intake of HPFs, relative to MPFs (minimally processed foods), is associated with greater subjective experiences of enjoyment (21.69 points higher on a visual analog scale) and the magnitude of this effect is greater for individuals with addictive-like eating. Further, HPF intake is often motivated by a desire to alter mood (e.g. experience pleasure and reduce negative affect) rather than to address homeostatic needs and this tendency is associated with addictive eating.

Finally, the article title is misleading, because the conclusion implied by the title…is not supported.

Future research is needed to investigate whether the intensity of cravings for HPFs is comparable to that of other addictive substances, such as tobacco.

Ironically, fish is no longer on the recently updated food pyramid.

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No, it’s not.

They say further research is needed to investigate whether the intensity of cravings for HPFs is comparable to that of other addictive substances, such as tobacco.

It makes sense - if the cravings are really strong that could explain why people have such a problem giving up an unhealthy diet.

Which food pyramid?

The pyramid is linked at the bottom.

There is a filet of fish - just right of the chicken breast.
The wording is:
Pulses, eggs, meat and more but then the Swiss-Germans have never been particularly keen on fish unless it is “knusperli”.

May be you were expecting a piece of fish in batter or a fish finger?

Problem with fish is that you hardly get fresh fish in our latitudes.
Although the French seem to have cracked the issue.

People will tend to do what is easy. The government should make it easier for them to do healthier things. e.g.

  • Better infrastructure for bikes
  • Free healthy lunches provided at kingergarten and school. I’d also provide a 4pm meal too before they go home
  • Banning smoking in public places and shared spaces e.g. restaurants, clubs etc.
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Indeed, that’s the problem with being distant from the sea. Though I’d think that frozen does the trick well enough, perhaps even better as it reduces the time pressure fresh is under, which enables less energy intensive means of transport.

Another irony is they state you should eat a portion of peanuts or similar every day “Hülsenfruchte”

The Boller supermarket over the border in Hohentengen am Hochrhein has a good selection of fresh fish on Thursdays, any they do not sell are sold at half price on Fridays.

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Hülsenfrüchte. English translation: pulses

Interesting, I thought the term is legumes.

Here’s what Chatgpt says in reply to “what’s the difference between pulses and legumes?”, abbreviated:

  • Pulses are a specific subset of legumes, referring only to the dried seeds of the legume family.
  • Pulses include dried beans (like kidney, black, navy), dried peas, lentils, and chickpeas.

In short:

  • All pulses are legumes, but not all legumes are pulses.
  • If it’s a dried seed from the legume family, like dried peas or lentils, it’s a pulse. If it’s the whole plant or fresh seed, like soybeans or peanuts, it’s considered a legume but not a pulse.
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Specialised companies like Marchioro would love to have your business, too. But of course proximity to the border is a relevant factor.

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“Hülsenfrüchte” describes it quite neatly. A “Hülse” is a container, and “Früchte” is fruits. So a “Hülsenfrucht” is only the thing contained within, not the whole thing.

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Frozen fish is never as nice as fresh, & by fresh I mean fish that was landed yesterday & sold in the shop & eaten today.

I assumed all ‘fresh’ fish sold in the EU has been flash frozen.

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Now I’ve got Sunny Afternoon stuck in my head…