Normal Naturalisation Switzerland - applicant diary


The most recent development is that the Gemeinde came back to me in September to request an updated document and answers to several questions which will then be presented to the Aargau Grosse Rat (or a Grosse Rat committee).

Will plan to update this thread on the progress in the coming months.

My application is in!

The last piece was the attestation from the tax authorities, which took 15 days from the day I mailed the request.

Now I'm waiting for the bill.

Markj, any updates? Did you have your audition yet?

I haven't even gotten the bill yet. I'm starting to worry a bit on that point.

flyboy, have you received a letter from the commune after the interview? how long did it take? In my case it is almost 2 months after the interview I still have not received anything.

Actually, i just received the bill for CHF 190 the week after my interview. This was 12 september 2013. About 3 weeks after i followed up with the communal secretary which told me that my file was sent onto the cantonal authorities on the 18 september 2013.

Received a letter from the Canton on the 6th May 2014 requesting an attestation that i am not receiving any social aid from the Centre Social Regional as well as a bill for cantonal and federal fees. Got that sorted out and sent it to them on the 2nd June 2014. Received a letter from them on the 4th June 2014 again, telling me everything was in order and now awaiting the federal approval.

This is in Canton Vaud.

Valaboro, could you tell us how long after you handed in your application , did your interview take place? It might give Markj some idea of the waiting time involve. My time line will be useless to go by, since my commune basically gave me the choice to choose a date when i wanted my interview to take place, but my time line is as follow.

10th July 2013 - officially handed in my application

12th September 2013 - commune interview

18th September 2013 - commune approval

4th June 2014 - cantonal approval

????????????? - federal approval

????????????? - citizenship ceremony

Canton Vaud:

3rd February 2014 - officially handed in my application

4th March 2014 - interview scheduled but postponed on my request due to business travel

2nd Avril 2014 - commune interview (which seemed positive)

as of today (16 June 2014) - no confirmation


I still have not received a letter and then asked commune about the status. They responded very quickly:

April 22, Approved by commune and documents were sent to canton Vaud authorities.

July 31. Asked canton authorities about the update and if I can change cantons.

They responed (also within a day) that there is a long delay for all applicants and my application is being analysed. The good news is that I can already change primary residence canton...

Anyone else has done normal naturalization in canton Vaud. Should I expect additional tests or something of that sort?


28th July 2014 - Federal approval

Since my permit is being renewed and has expired, i have to wait for my new permit to arrive and send a copy of my new permit before the canton will send me an invitation for the citizenshp ceremony.

No more additional tests. Just a matter of waiting really and forwarding any documents they might request.

Received letter to attend citizenship ceremony on the 1st October 2014


Thank you.

Finally Swiss! Citizenship ceremony done.

All the best to everyone else.

Update for my case.

Canton Vaud - Regular naturalization for a single person

03 February 2014 - officially handed in my application

02 April 2014 - commune interview (initial date was for 4th March 2014 and postponed on my request)

22 April 2014 - commune approval

27 November 2014 - cantonal approval

I realize that this thread is quite old now, but as I am in the process now in the Canton de Vaud (Commune Lausanne) thought I'd revive the thread and share my experience.

- Civil status - was already done during C permit process, so it took about a week to get the attestation.

- Application submission - End of March 2015

- Confirmation that all documents were in order - April 2015

- Letter informing that we will get an invitation from the police for a first interview within "6 months"

... now waiting ...

Meanwhile, I have an opportunity to work in Zurich, so I'm now contemplating how I'm going to handle this

Has anyone here done their naturalization in commune de Lausanne? How much time did it take for the first interview?

Also, I have bought a couple of books on Swiss politics and I'm starting to get well versed, but still struggling to remember the names of all the Vaud representatives at communal, cantonal and federal level. Where does one find information about all the rivers and mountains? I think I know all the prominent ones having hiked around for many years now, but I'm worried that I don't know all of them. Maybe I should just google?

If you move to Zurich you’ll have to effectively start over with the naturalisation. You won’t meet Zurich’s residency requirements and the years in Lausanne won’t count towards that.

Only option is to commute otherwise, but it’s a bit of a long day if you do.

I'd be surprised if they want you to know all of that - in mine it was know who the president of the country is at the time of the interview, understand that the Ständerrat is not a "second chamber" as in other countries, but represents the cantons (as opposed to the Nationalrat which represents the "people"), know that 1 August is a public holiday for national day... so more higher level.

A possible temporary solution is to find a small flat or room for the week in Zurich and register there as a Wochenaufenthalter who returns to Lausanne on weekends. Before proceeding, however, I would think you should discuss this approach with the naturalization authorities in Lausanne:

Final update for my case

Canton Vaud - Regular naturalization for a single person - Timeline

03 February 2014 - officially handed in my application

02 April 2014 - commune interview (initial date was for 4th March 2014 and postponed on my request)

22 April 2014 - commune approval

27 November 2014 - cantonal approval

27 April 2015 - federal approval

17 June 2015 - formal ceremony and Swiss citizenship

P.S. Regarding work in Zurich and applying in Lausanne. I had the same situation and had to commune regularly since changing cantons is not allowed until cantonal approval is granted.