Photos of what you cook and bake

Just like turkey :yum:

Wow. That looks delicious.

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Really? Isn’t Turkey this dry poultry that is the literal opposite of juicy pork? :slight_smile:


EbbÀ :rofl:
That’s why it’s so much better in sandwiches the next day.

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For a turkey sandwich, do you add any sauce? For a porchetta I’d just cut as thin as possible, I’d toast the bread, but I’ll not add anything else. It’s juicy and seasoned enough that a sourdough bread is all that’s needed

It’s been ages since I had a turkey sandwich but yes with sauce. I don’t prepare turkeys so this all goes back to when I spent loads of time in England.
As I have no chance to get a hold of one of your sandwiches, I’m gonna stop reading this particular thread for tonight - it is definitely not healthy getting hungry at 23.25h at night :anguished:

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That looks amazing.

Once I had Porchetta (but done with a whole young pig) which had been cooked over an open fire at a Medieval fair in Suvereto, Tuscany. It was one of the best things I have ever eaten.

So do you get the pork belly from your local butcher?

And did you use fennel pollen?


It was a “wrong” order from my usually online butcher (it was supposed to be without rind, but it came skin on) so instead of doing what I planned (“sweet” Italian sausage) I decided to make a Porchetta.

Luckily, I had some fennel pollen left, bur far from what I would have put as an amount if I had enough. The rest of the spices were pretty “vanilla” : salt, pepper, fresh rosemary and sage, dried oregano, some fennel to compensate for the smaller amount of fennel pollen and two orange peels ground.


Plum cake. With crumbles.

Volg had good plums.

Used mostly spelt flour. Used 500g instead of 350.
Replaced nuts with roasted almonds, sprinkled some on the yeast dough.
2kg of plums was barely enough.


I’ve never even heard of this, but I’m a simple man. I read “plums” and I like. This looks really good. How do you serve it? With vanilla ice cream? With fortified wine?

500ml of whipped cream with one bag of vanilla sugar (the one with actual pieces of vanilla).

You could probably do vanilla ice-cream - but that would be a bit over the top.

These plums drew very little liquid - I was very surprised. They need to be ripe enough. If they draw too much liquid, it gets soggy.

I took it to work, gave two big pieces to neighbors, brought the rest to work the next day and ate the remaining two pieces yesterday and today.

You can of course freeze it.

The recipe is very good IMO - a lot of recipes out there are mediocre at best.
Took a while to find the one that “felt” good.


Your dish looks absolutely delicious! I became vegan at a very young age and maintained it thru my teens and early adulthood, but for various reasons, I gradually transitioned to a more vegetarian diet, including Mediterranean dishes similar to your culinary creation. Thank you for sharing!

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If I promise to be good will you send me some?
I had to eat a couple of plums now just to get a hint of the flavour.

With what do you cover the meat?

Baking paper and the aluminium foil.

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You can also buy frozen plum cake at Aldi Germany.

They sell it in Aldi in Switzerland as well.

What do you mean exactly when you say that you transitionned to a vegetarian diet? Isn’t Vegetarian the French name for Vegan? I have a friend who is Indian, he too is vegan but for religious obligations cannot eat French fries, onions which are vegan food if you ask me.

He’s possibly a Jain who avoid eating root vegetables as the act of pulling them out of the ground could injury or kill small animals (worms, centipedes etc).

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No. That would be vegan or végétalien. Vegetarian is végétarien.

Yes, most likely Jain, anything that grows beneath the soil is forbidden, so no onion, garlic, turmeric and a few other basic Indian ingredients.

We used to eat occasionally in a hotel in Engleberg whose kitchens were almost 100% dedicated to their Indian clientele from April to October, a buffet for around chf25 at least until six or seven years ago.

Anyway, they had special sections for Jain, amongst other diets, but we’d often try their stuff too, and they have a wide range of substitutes, like the leaf parts of various other alliums including wild garlic, spring onions and chives, as long as the plant is not uprooted to harvest it. Quite delicious. Apart from the lack of meat, obviously :wink: