Teachers in our bilingual community are certainly receptive to multilingualism, given Biel’s linguistic diversity.
However, addressing everyone’s linguistic and other needs presents a considerable challenge. There’s a notable shortage of qualified teachers, leading to the recruitment of retirees, students, and individuals from diverse professional backgrounds to fill teaching positions and assume full responsibility for our children’s education.
If you’re actively engaged in your children’s language learning journey, providing them with the opportunity to learn two, three, or even four languages, your children are already benefiting immensely and enjoying more support and opportunities compared to many of their peers. When parents who have already provided this advantage for their children seek additional resources by choosing to put them in a public school that teaches in a language other than the one spoken at home to further enhance their children’s opportunities, it places added strain on the system.
Obviously, if the language spoken at home is not one used in schools, then there is no choice.