Tired of unwanted calls to sell you insurance? It's almost over!

Finally! About time! From 1st September they can no longer cold call you.


Sounds great. We still have to file the charge and I would guess prove they did call/who exactly did. Good luck with that, afaIk they’re usually some freelance agents = no name people. I hope it will not turn out one of these toothless laws we’re blessed with here.
But thanks for the info, at least threatening them with reporting them will be legal and should give them a fright. The first few times at least.

Apparently, the maximum pay for a non-mandatory top-up under the coming regulation is up to 16 monthly premiums.

Put another way they’re a massive rip-off.

you mean the non-mandatory top-ups are? Oh yeah, definitely. I’ve had that for decades, they never paid anything :rofl: Ah yeah, except part of a gym-abo, you know those one gets for 6 months, then only makes use of it for about two. Preferably the two months after New Year’s Eve.

They scare you into it when young as you can’t get it once you’ve had anything more than a flu or become elderly. Great trick. I have several elderly friends who DID cancel it and get wonderful treatment for all their problems and some are severe.

Must be tough now they can’t even pester people on the phone anymore.

What has changed this year for me is the “unknown number” calls. Same rate of harassement, just from unknown.

Unknown numbers do not get through to me :grinning:
All a matter of settings.

Until you miss enough calls from your bank so they have to send you a postal letter to ask you to call from a verified number to unblock that transaction you have been waiting to go through for 10 days… (personal story from earlier today) :face_with_monocle:

I guess answer is somewhere in the grey.

A matter of a lifestyle, I would say. I would miss many important calls if I had such settings. And I don’t mean some business calls, but the calls related to family & household matters.

Yes and those who matter usually leave you a voice message so it’s easier to filter…