Which language do you find most exciting?

Finnish with what…?

Yiddish because I love to hear words and phrases that sound like Swiss German.

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I self-taught myself English (computing was cool, computing => English) when I was about 15, and my first non-textbook readings were of Turbo Pascal help screens. I think to this day my English syntax is biased with “if…then…else” and semicolons.

Had I time I’d learn Japanese or Arabic.

I swear some languages were only invented to piss off the germans

Sure about that… Not the other way round?


An average sentence, in a German newspaper, is a sublime and im- pressive curiosity; it occupies a quarter of a column; it contains all
the ten parts of speech—not in regular order, but mixed; it is built
mainly of compound words constructed by the writer on the spot,
and not to be found in any dictionary—six or seven words com- pacted into one, without joint or seam—that is, without hyphens;
it treats of fourteen or fifteen different subjects, each enclosed in
a parenthesis of its own, with here and there extra parentheses,
which re-enclose three or four of the minor parentheses, making
pens with pens; finally, all the parentheses and re-parentheses are
massed together between a couple of king-parentheses, one of which
is placed in the first line of the majestic sentence and the other
in the middle of the last line of it—after which comes the verb, and you find out for the first time what the man has been talking
about; and after the verb—merely by way of ornament, as far as I
can make out,—the writer shovels in “haben sind gewesen gehabt
haben geworden sein,” or words to that effect, and the monument
is finished. I suppose that this closing hurrah is in the nature of
the flourish to a man’s signature—not necessary, but pretty. Mark Twain
