My position in a multinational company in CH has been eliminated. There is the possibility that I can apply for a new very interesting role with a fairly solid guarantee to receive it, but it’s in the UK. This is not the same position and nor an intra-company transfer, but a role I would need to apply for as a new UK employee.
As I am both a UK/CH dual citizen, this is something I am really considering, and also for motivations in my private life would like to relocate to the UK.
I understand that I can withdrawal my 2nd pillar when “leaving Switzerland permanently” or “for good” is how it’s worded in English. In German “Bei einer endgültigen Ausreise aus der Schweiz”.…ng-der-2-saule
Obviously as a Swiss citizen I could always return for any reason. So what is meant by a permanent move abroad? If I decide in 6 months or 1 year or 20 to move back to CH, is there any impact on this withdrawal, either tax-wise or an obligation to replenish the funds withdrawn?
Other than providing my certificate of de-registration. How else does one demonstrate it’s a “permanent” move? Or do different rules apply for Swiss citizens emigrating in regards to the 2nd pillar?
Don't take my word for it but I vaguely remember reading on other forum that somebody recommended doing this to withdraw the 2nd pillar with no strings attached. He/She (not Swiss) claimed having done that themselves and returned back one or two years later.
Are your sure about this? I understand nationality has nothing to do with pillar 2 withdrawals.
The only restriction I am aware of is if leaving for an EU/EFTA country the mandatory part can't be withdrawn but the non-mandatory part can, even by a Swiss.
Are you sure you're not thinking about AHV rebates when emigrating - as that is related to citizenship? I have never heard of a limitation on 2nd pillar withdrawal for Swiss citizens. Can you please quote a source for this?