Here I am on a week’s jollies in Danzig. Totally fallen in love with Danzig.
Yesterday I visited the Westerplatte where the Schleswig-Holstein shelled the Polish garrison and kicked off WWII
Now I am sitting on the riverbank with a beer and listening to a bunch of older German wankers thinking it funny to sing “Erika”
Want to go over there and tell them in English to shut the fook up.
Slightly ironic then that you call the city Danzig. In English, we use the Polish name, Gdańsk.
It’s a great city though. There’s a brick cathedral which is the third or fourth largest brick built one in the world.
Great pictures. slammer!!! I get it why you’ve fallen in love with this place!
I wish there were more “rants” like this on this forum.
Did the harbour cruise thing and now I am sitting with yet another beer watching the girls… ah, world, let’s go with that, float by.
And I am sticking with Danzig. Just got a bollocking from a Polish Facebook buddy who I had to remind that even the Poles call the Westerplatte by its German name.
And now I am stuffing Pirogi into my face.
So the girls successfully dodged your attempts to photograph them
I would do no such thing to girls too young and too beautiful trying to survive in the middle of a cloth shortage and a button crisis.
I don’t know why this is in the Complaints Corner. This looks much more inspiring than your Ticino “glamping” trip.
Your “old fashioned” and law-abiding ethics must have been very disappointing for marton…I guess he’ll have to rely on his SVP friends and their unsavoury stories for a bit of excitement and outrage…
Sorry, marton…I.just.couldn’t.resist…
Meantime, Gdansk looks like a proper touristic and cultural gem. Keep those pics coming.
What about the food? Any specialty you can find only there? I knew Pi(e)rogi is like a national Polish dish. Back home we have a dish that the Swiss-Germans would probably call Ecke-li or something like this (I like how they use a lot of diminutives, just like us) and I suspect they entered the local/regional cuisine via Poland, sometime in the old days.
I find your trip very inspiring and a bit out of the touristy hip places btw.
How about this then, 500 meters from the Russian border.
The end of the world and the most curious ferry to get there,a lighter pullen by a lasher tug
I urge you to respect Russia’s legitimate security interests and not engage in further provocations. They might be forced to use their nukes.
Pity I can’t see any guards. I would ask if it is true that the Russian word for a bedpan is a Poo tin?
Like the Unabomber
Good thread, although I am tempted to abuse my powers and rename.
I was ranting because of these German squareheads singing „Erika“ a German cadence song sung by Wehrmacht soldiers marching into Poland.
But feel free to rename.