Article 17 VBA - pension funds

I obtained a summary of my pension savings. In it, two amounts are listed under Termination benefits as per Article 17 VBA Retirement assets as per Article 15 BVG I understand that "Retirement assets as per Article 15 BVG" corresponds to pillar 2 savings. Does "Termination benefits as per Article 17 VBA" correspond to pillar 1 savings?

VBA is the Vested Benefits Act, article 17 specifies how termination benefits are calculated - so still part of pillar 2.

The Vested Benefits Acts law is called
in German:
Bundesgesetz über die Freizügigkeit in der beruflichen Alters‐, Hinterlassenen- und Invalidenvorsorge
(Freizügigkeitsgesetz, FZG)…6_2386_2386/de

in French:
Loi fédérale sur le libre passage dans la prévoyance professionnelle vieillesse, survivants et invalidité
(Loi sur le libre passage, LFLP)…6_2386_2386/fr

in Italian:
Legge federale sul libero passaggio nella previdenza professionale per la vecchiaia, i superstiti e l’invalidità
(Legge sul libero passaggio, LFLP)…6_2386_2386/it

Although sometimes the Swiss government provides a courtesy, non-binding translation into English, this doesn’t seem to be the case for this law.

On this point, it’s often worth looking back a couple of versions in Fedlex - the translation is sometimes there but not just available on the current version.

Unfortunately not in the case of FZG, but Google Translate usually does a decent job https://www-fedlex-admin-ch.translat…x_tr_hist=true even though it seems to think it’s written in Luxembourgish!