B premit new rules for skilled workers from non-EU

In April SEM post this article about easing of rules for skilled workers from non-EU countries.

I found on the official Zurich website a mention of new guidelines:
“In types of professions with a pronounced shortage of skilled labour it can be assumed that the domestic potential has been exhausted and that, therefore, a job posting, detailed job advertisements as well as lists of candidates may be dispensed with.”


Does anyone know if it applies to software engineering and similar areas? (Data Science, DevOps, Automation engineers etc.)

Does anyone know if those new rules already working? Did anyone in Zurich (or elsewhere in Switzerland) were able to hire an engineer without doing this job posting/cv collection? Or maybe you know someone who was hired with new relaxed rules?

There is no shortage of such people.


There do seem to be quite a few on EF.

I was trying to read what jobs were classified as "in need" - but I'm not sure.

I have a friend moving from UK to CH. The SEM just provisionally approved his permit (now going to the canton I think) without a job search. He's in tech sales.

I know the lawyers did the "executive" level job pitch, so I don't know if that is why they were able to skip the job search or if it was under the new rules....

This is what this publication ( https://www.sem.admin.ch/dam/sem/de/…aug-kap4-d.pdf ) from SEM says:

Original German Text (see below for Google translated English version):
Unter Einbezug von Indikatoren des SECO und Erfahrungswerten aus der Arbeitskräftezulassung (SEM) können folgende Berufsfelder unter die Vollzugserleichterungen in Bezug auf die Nachweispflicht fallen:

  • Führungskräfte (Kaderpositionen) in der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie, in der Unternehmensberatung, in der Finanz- und Versicherungsbranche, in der Maschinen-, Elektro-, und Metallindustrie und
    in der Produktion von chemischen und pharmazeutischen Erzeugnissen
    sowie Nahrungsmitteln;
  • Ingenieursberufe, Wissenschaftler und Forschende in mathematischen, naturwissenschaftlichen und technischen Bereichen sowie spezialisierte Fachkräfte in der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie;
  • Berufe des Gesundheitswesens: Fachärztinnen und -ärzte, Assistenzärztinnen und -ärzte, spezialisiertes Pflegefachpersonal (bspw. Operationspflege, Akut- und Notfallpflege), Radiologieassistenzpersonal sowie
  • Lehrkräfte an Hochschulen.

Google translated English version:
With the inclusion of indicators from SECO and empirical values from the worker approval (SEM), the following occupational fields can fall under the implementation simplifications with regard to the obligation to provide evidence:

  • Executives (management positions) in information and communication technology, in management consulting, in the finance and insurance sector, in the machine, electrical and metal industry and
    in the production of chemical and pharmaceutical products
    as well as food;
  • Engineering professions, scientists and researchers in mathematical, scientific and technical fields as well as specialized professionals in information and communication technology;
  • Healthcare professions: Specialists, assistant doctors, specialized nursing staff (e.g. surgical nurses, acute and emergency care), radiology assistants as well as
  • Teachers at universities.