I’ve visited a nice apartment, however on a second thought I’ve realized that it’s above garage. Unfortunately no one was driving around when I was there. I wonder if there could be an excessive noise disturbing me at night. Obviously, car could came in/out at any hour, but realistically everyone has to sleep so I’d rather only worry about having an unexpected “alarm clock”.
I don’t even know if the garage has electric door, but I’d assume so. Googling a bit, people do complain often about the noise from the doors. I guess, something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ogrq9dGN5oA
The building is old, maybe 80’ maybe 90’, 2 floors only. I’m not sure what to expect. Taking into account the Swiss attitude towards noise, I’d guess the garage is as quiet as it can be, but if the building construction doesn’t provide enough sound and vibration dampening this could be quite disturbing.
anyone had a bad experience with such flat?
Surely you would look at the garage first before any decision.
We are owners in a building where there constantly are complaints from the people owning the apartment above the garage entry. They want to have the door mechanism changed because it is apparently noisy and vibrates (new building).
And it is obviously not only the door but also the cars. In our place here in CH, the garage is for four buildings and has 90+ spaces. You can imagine that there are cars coming and leaving all the time. It may be less of an issue in a small building, but I would still be concerned.
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It’s a rather small building, with a row of individual garage boxes as the ground floor. In this setup I guess I might be disturbed by only one tenant. Unfortunately all spaces are rented, otherwise I’d love to rent the one below my apartment’s bedroom.
So something like this? I wouldn’t like it, but at least you can use it as an argument to drive the price down. Is this a purchase? Think of resale value.
Yes, it’s like that. I was just checking Google street view, but unfortunately they didn’t drive close to the building.
We’re talking about renting. I can only take it or leave it.
Of course a set up like the one you describe also means that your bedroom faces the street. I have a light sleep and always have window open, so I would pass.
The building is at the end of a dead-end street, separated by two rows of houses from the main village road. Really quiet area
I’m thinking about this. I’ll go there in the evening. Hopefully I’ll find the current tenant at home to chat about this, but the ideal situation would be to see/hear a car parking in the garage.
Fortunately not, but given the fact that the building is from the eighties…it is very likely that you’ll hear when people drive out and into the garage. On the other hand the building is small hence few people to use this garage, but if you’re very sensitive to noise then even if it happens once in a full moon it will ruin your sleep. (I know it would ruin mine)
A piece of advice from someone who looked for an apart./house for sale for years and have seen many apt. and houses: if it’s a red flag for you then it’s a red flag…
Just out of curiosity, how much is the Rent?
1.9k for 2.5 in SZ tax heaven
I lived for 12 years above a garage and never heard a thing.
If you have children, the good thing is that they’ll be able to jump and run as much as they want and they won’t bother anyone.
For us, the major down point was the cold: our building was badly insulated and the heating system was quite deficient. A garage is obviously not heated, and the cold under our feet made getting our place warm difficult in winter.
Hopefully theres no Ducatis or Lambos in the garage.
Good point, we live over a dental practice so on evenings and weekends we can do whatever we want.
Noise is one issue but another important issue with this setup is exhaust fumes directly beneath the balcony
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It is illegal to leave the engine running while a vehicle is not moving, so exhausts fumes should be limited to the vehicle exiting and entering the garage, which should not be a real issue.
Also the apartment block should have house rules about noise limits and use of garages and vehicles that generally limit any potential problems.
I don’t think having a garage below the flat is such an issue - other than maybe heating/insulation, and that flats on higher floors have better views, etc…
Modern cars with catalysts have practically no dangerous fumes.
As far as I know this is correct when the engine is warm but not when driving out of the garage after a cold start