Did you build your own PC? I did. It still running after 6 years.
Did you update it in the mean time?
Why would he? He says it's still running after 6 years
Pauljay, does someone pay you to create new threads on the EF about random subjects?
Well, that pc apparently doesn ́t have google if he has to ask where to buy paper bags?
Yes, I named it Theseus and it is still running 30 years later!
I think he’s retired, lonely and bored and just starts threads with random things that pop into his head.
Typical Boomer behaviour?
Awww. Well, maybe we should just create "The Pauljay Thread" where he can write whatever random stuff he wants.
I actually had once thought about creating a "Random Rant" thread for people who just want to vent about something. Because sometimes you just want to vent.
Did you forget to put an off switch?
The sad thing is that we may think six years is a long time, because we're so used to software constantly needing more power just to perform acceptably.
My home built server is 13 years old; it got a memory upgrade a few years ago so I could run more things on it in parallel, and I've added more disks as I've filled them up, but the core hardware is fine and shows no sign of any need for replacement.
My server reached the age of 16 and I retired it this year after an exploding PSU convinced me it was time to migrate it to the cloud.
Aww! Come on, random is nice. It is fun just to see something out of the blue.
As they say in Sanskrit, he represents the unmanifest and absolute reality.
Yes. Even running Windows 11
So then it's not 6, but 5 years old?
Kaby Lake, 7th Gen CPU isn't supported in win 11.
It is not on the officially supported / automatic upgrade list but Windows 11 can still be installed and run on it.
The main reason given is lack of VBS which is some kind of hardware-supported virtualization where Windows 11 can isolate certain processes or kernel code.
But that doesn't mean that on the same computer which used to run Windows 10, now Windows 11 is going to be less secure than Windows 10.
That's not old. My PC has a 4th Generation i5 released in 2013!
Still going strong.
My PC is about 15 years old. It's had two new motherboards, PSUs and cpus in that time. The first replacements went in after a power cut. When power was restored the surge fried the board. I then bought a UPS. The second replacements went in when the CPU temperatures were regularly spiking at 100°C instead of the usual 40°C.
I've swapped a few disks and graphic cards.
Still the same PC.
Haswell was a decent upgrade. I went from Conroe->Haswell and now to Ryzen. This will be good for a while, but I will definitely upgrade if they ever bring a high memory bandwith part (or if MI300 is affordable for the consumer).