Looking for suggestions for clubs/classes for my 5 year old girl to join to increase her social circle and do things she will enjoy in the the Zug, Knoaueramt area
She has no problem with either language as both are spoken at home to her
Looking for suggestions for clubs/classes for my 5 year old girl to join to increase her social circle and do things she will enjoy in the the Zug, Knoaueramt area
She has no problem with either language as both are spoken at home to her
She speaks English and Swiss German with ease
Any suggestions welcome
If she's outdoorsy, she might enjoy the younger scouts section called "Bienli".
Otherwise you could ask at your local Gemeinde Zentrum what sort of clubs they offer.
It's difficult to recommend something without knowing at least a general direction of your daughter's interests.
Once your daughter starts primary school, there will probably be a list of after-school classes and activities that she could join (e.g. art classes, gym, etc.). If anything is of interest, I do suggest signing up for the class(es) as early as possible, because it's been our experience that those after-school classes and activities seem to get booked up rather quickly.
Also, we found that arranging play dates was helpful at that age.
Besides lots of sports which you may be aware of (swimming, tennis, etc), my children have attended some courses in: https://www.kwerk-zug.ch/
It is quite an interesting creative place near the Zug Casino and gets booked very soon.
We also sent our kids to the Englischspielgruppe in the neighboring town, where they had lots of fun and met new kids.