Demonstrations and counter demonstrations

The on-going controversy led me to do a lot of googling - modern technology has its upsides. I became fascinated by historic events that are relevant to what is going on today.…-Cable-Street/

What 'ongoing controversy' are you talking about?

I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s a competition going on between kiwisteve and RobBob as to who can come up with the most cryptic threads and thread titles.

You mean you don't know?!

I suspect you are not really confused, but just in case:

the recent demonstrations in London. Who marches with whom has changed a little over the years but right wing nutters have remained the same. ANTIFA has a proud tradition, it is the opposite of an extremist position even if not everyone marching under that banner has "good" intentions.

The role of the Met has always been controversial. Historically the forces of law and order have tended to be biased against left wing causes in the UK - Cruella got it wrong, deliberately?

The majority of Germans did not take Hitler seriously at the start. Can we learn from history or are we doomed to Groundhog Day style repetitions ?

What 'ongoing controversy' ?


Are you serious? Of course I was confused as are likely many others who only read your OP. We don't have direct links into your mind.

Thanks providing a semi-useful explanation, please do it more consistently within the OP in future.

History has been repeating itself for many centuries in various ways. I predict a right-wing surge for the forseeable future, only getting worse as climate migration becomes more of a thing, conflict migration continues and as water and other essential resources become more scarce.

If anyone thinks immigration is bad now, we likely haven't seen anything yet, because Europe is the logical place for anyone in a hellhole country (whether via climate, regime or war) to want to migrate to for a chance of the best life for themselves and their family.

I don't think people generally really have a clue how bad the world is going to get a century down the line unless technology solves many of our resource and climate issues.

When do you predict the resurgence of the following movements?


Black Lives Matter

Ice Bucket Challenge


1 and 2: Depends on how much things change, or as an economist would put it, supply and demand

3 Had to google this one; there must be events going on all over the world right now, go for it.

Fascism = Racism + Nationalism + Authoritarianism = Right wing

Antifa = Anti-fascist

As mentioned - Fascism has a fairly tight ideology.

Anti-facism engages a broad range of people who simply do not want fascists to succeed.

Right wing is 'conservative' - keeping things as they are - because power is still held globally by a mostly white, mostly male, mostly authoritarian, mostly nationalistic few.

Left wing is 'for change' in the sense that it 'going against' - anti-facism, anti-nationalism, anti-racism...

the position of authority of the police is usually a difficult one- because their role is meant to be non-political, but the work for the goverment of the day, both hold and work for the powerful, and respond to laws that are set by very often conservative, nationalistic, racist and authoritarian government.

I am not centred on the UK. I am not British.... but the problem exists I believe in many or all countries....

Surely left-wing is socialism and further left, communism?

And as we're discussing the UK, the Labour party was formed out of the Fabian society - a club whose aims were for socialism via reform rather than revolution.

I think it's where the term "Champagne Socialist" comes from.

Yes, but far left communism and far right fascism have much in in common - authoritarianism. This is why it is logical for former communist countries such as Russia and China to evolve into fascist states.

Champagne socialist is a derogatory term that suggests that real socialists are not allowed to be rich. Why not? The hypocrisy is not in being rich, it is in do as I say, not as I do. Humans are full of contradictions, especially when it comes to immediate family. Netanhayu?

Italian fascists were NOT racists.

Meanwhile this fascist symbol is outlawed in Italy:

as well is this cantonal flag:
