Hi everyone!
I was just wondering if I need to get notary permission to drive my wife's car in Europe? The car is registered in Switzerland, we both have swiss residency and driver licence, but citizenship EU.
I heard some stories ofproblems at crossing borders, but since we are family? I doubt it should be a problem
Thank you for your advice
If you are a Swiss resident, driving a Swiss registered car for the typical private use, then no.
I drive my wife's car regularly in Europe.
When we loaned our car to a friend, we gave her a letter where we explicitly authorised her use of it, just in case. But nobody asked to see it.
It's not a question of giving someone permission, it's a question of whether the car needs to be imported into the EU in order for that persons to drive it across the border.
The permission is about giving permission. It becomes handy in case you are accused of driving a stolen car. In the worst they impound the car until the registered holder (which btw. is does not have to be the legitimate owner) can be contacted. It's püroperly a one in a million chance it will happen. But if it happens it can ruin your vacations.
Thousands of Swiss registered cars are driven across multiple borders by Swiss residents every day. So why would that be the question?