As a double expat (from NZ and the UK), this article resonated:…ther-countries
What differences do you notice?
As a double expat (from NZ and the UK), this article resonated:…ther-countries
What differences do you notice?
My biggest beef about Canadians is that the only country they are capable of comparing themselves to is the US. It's pretty easy to feel superior when making such comparisons as most things generally work better in Canada (quality of public schooling, access to health care, maternity leave, etc.) but they are still miles behind so many European countries when it comes to things such as public transport, paid sick leave, cost of tertiary education, etc. But your average Canadian is 100% convinced it is the absolute best place in the world for just about everything. It drives me around the bend.
As a deterrent, I complain a bit about some problem around here in CH to set the right mood in the conversation. Otherwise, people is deluded into "the grass is greener on the other side of the fence".
Since they truly believe other people are aliens from outer space and not simply other humans, they defend their lifestyle and self-esteem with such phrases as "it may work over there, but not here".
I hear it from my own family. They have this fascinating inherent belief that Australia is the best nation in the world, and they almost feel sorry for other nations. It blows my mind. I like my home country, sure, but that doesn't mean I'm blind to the sizeable problems it has.