Finally, we can recycle all the food packagaing materials

The recycling solution for plastics from households | Sammelsack

Look at that, they collect almost every plastic waste we bring from the shops

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We got that plastic collection roughly since a little over 6 months too (Bernese Midlands). Now (unless grandloves are here) we only fill a regular bin bag every 2-3 weeks!

Something like this makes you realise how much packaging is made of plastic and spurs me on to reduce this too.


As a side story…it made me wonder…OK protest but…why only Dove?


Maybe because it’s the cheap line so it’s about the sells volume :person_shrugging:

I know a few people who would straight away answer, most likely because Dove didn’t pay them the ransom

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Well, that crossed my mind too… :joy:
It’s pathetic or ridiculous…you name it.