fish soup recipe


We like starting the meals with a soup. It usually is veggie, beef or chicken stock, but yesterday I did a fish stock and now I'm looking for fish soup recipes. I found some on the net, but I can't make up my mind cos' I can't "taste" them (not enough experience of fish soups to allow me to immagine the taste when I read the recipie) so please help.

My favorite is Bouillabaisse from Provence, but I've never seen it served here. As for stock, Bonito stock is a basic ingredient in many Japanese dishes. I think you can find dried bonito stock around Zurich.

I add fish to the clams and leave out the cream:,vt=...&stype=content


Economy in the kitchen is not about being frugal; recycling food can often lead to great results, especially with stocks etc. Regarding fish, I look forward with greater anticipation to making a stock with the left overs from langoustine / crayfish / crab / lobster left overs - a rare delight.

You'll need a fine sieve ( chinois ) to get all the tiny bits of bone etc out.

A good splash of olive oil in a moderately heated pot

Add broken bones etc. plus any aromatics you may have to hand, such as herbs, fennel tops, carrots, onions plus garlic

Let it all simmer happily for ten minutes or so, then add a good schlugg of brandy / cognac / whatever and let the alcohol evaporate

Add a good measure of white wine (look, you're the boss, you decide how much wine ) and simmer for another ten minutes

Add a litre of water or so, lid on and super low heat for a couple of hours. Check the liquid from time to time.

Sieve the stock, discarding the bits; add a bit of spice if you enjoy heat, allow to cool.

Reheat later and reduce to desired consistency. Add another dash of butter or oil - cream if you're naughty - and serve in shallow bowls as a taaaaasty starter

Recipe to sing about

you can try this: "Salmon Head in sour broth"

I believe I've had that before without the head. It's like Tom Yum without the hotness, right? Great soup.

How about some sea food chowder ? I was trying to find the recipe from Monks' Restaurant in Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare.. the link above is the only one I could find.

Fish Chowder is yum

Thanks Francis,

I will try it, I like sour soups, like the eastern European bortsch

And, I will go for the salmon heads, I can see the look on my daughter's face

That's it. I have to make fish soup this week.

You're all a wonderful influence.

Salmon soup l

ike my mum makes: you need that fish broth of yours, a nice piece of salmon, leek, some potatoes, white wine and fresh cream. chop the leek and saute with some butter. add a little white wine.

dice potatoes and throw in as well. now add your fish stock and boil until the potatoes are soft.

cut the salmon into nice bite-sized pieces and add to the soup - do not boil any longer, salmon cooks really fast.

If you are on diet, then that's it. If not, add some cream as well. Bon appetit.


bwahahah for the fish heads song


The soup is great. My daughter loves it specially the meat in the salmon head where the fats/ligaments gives the flavor.

The salmon head is the cheapest part..some countries/cities give it for free


Phos, yup its like tomyum minus the hotness