Galaxus buying a hairdryer

I ordered a hairdryer 20CHF cheapie. When I went to collect it I asked if it had a swiss power plug. He said no. It has a german plug. What is that!! We live in Switzerland not germany. (EU). Seems many of these from Galaxus dont have a swiss plug. And it not even mentioned in the product description. :roll_eyes: :unamused: The salesman said I should put in a complaint to the boss.

And that is why I still buy at brick and mortar shops. Support your local retail stores!


They always come with a Swiss adapter, they have to by law if they’re being sold in Switzerland.
They’re annoying as they often make the plugs bulky but it’s not restricted to Galaxus, plenty of places sell electrical appliances with adapters rather than Swiss plugs.


A pair of pliers, a small screwdriver and a replacement plug and a little skill courtesy of youtuby and Bob’s your Uncle.


I don’t see a problem. People always mention in reviews that the appliance has a EU plug. I believe that for many appliances an alternative to the EU plug would be unavailability of this model in Switzerland. The choice would be much smaller. Almost all of my smaller household devices are with EU plug. I don’t want to limit my choice to König, which is a Swiss brand.

I believe if you order an expensive Valera hairdryer you can be 100% sure that it comes with a Swiss plug.

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Switzerland should stop placing the outlets in a way that you cannot plug in two phone chargers near each other.


I’m confused. Why can’t you use a German plug in a Swiss outlet? It doesn’t need to be 3-pronged to function.

A short extension solves this. And if you really want to be creative use an extension with a Swiss plug and EU sockets.

and the price much higher. They can buy in bulks at a good price with German plugs. So it’s to our advantage really, circumventing the annoying attitude “let’s charge the Swiss double” of producers. And the adapters now come for free, wasn’t always like that.

Yet once I ordered something from and it actually had a Swiss plug, that was something! (A German customer would probably have wondered what the heck that is and guessed Chinese :rofl:).

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Only I’ve not seen them anywhere. But I just found one on

Who would have thought we got the same plugs as in Jordan, Madagaskar, Maledives, Liechtenstein, Ruanda. The things you learn in passing.

The two pin plugs work fine.
Anything that needs the earth pin needs the Swiss plug or adaptor as others won’t fit in Swiss sockets.

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because the german plug wont fit in the swiss power outlet.

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Yes. Very annoying and very ugly.

I don’t remember ever paying for adapters in Galaxus. Probably it was very long ago. And the ones that Galaxus sends are much less bulky than the one on the photo above, but they are intended to stay on the plug forever. I don’t think you can take them away without breaking them.

I didn’t find any proof in the Internet for this information. It seems that it’ only CH and Lichtenstein.

Well, I searched in German (a second) and found:
In den folgenden Ländern werden die Stecker vom Typ J genutzt:

El Salvador

source: Stecker Typ J - Informationen, Reisestecker und Adapter fĂźr Typ J

I don’t know how long ago they started to add the free converters to the deliveries. I still have one here from the time we had to buy them extra and I wanted to be on the safe side. They used to be around 5 franks, I think.

@omtatsat a white one, how elegant! I’ve only seen black ones so far.

@TinyK part of that monster on omtatsat’s foto comes off when adapted, see here Fix Adapter DE-CH kaufen - Elektromaterial - LANDI

I ordered a Philips portable steam straightener from Galaxus in 2024, and it came with a German plug without a Swiss adapter! It isn’t very pleasant.

This whole thread is all a bit “kids these days, don’t know they’re born” to some of us who remember when electrical devices would not routinely have a plug on them at all when you got them home from the shop. It was standard practice to buy the plug at the same time, and of course to remove the old plug for re-use from any device that you’re scrapping.

So I still do this for many things; rocket science it is not, and at around chf1.95 per plug it’s not exactly a big deal.

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Whenever I’ve ordered an item from Galaxus, they’ve sent a small clip on adapter (width of the original plug) which is virtually impossible to remove. Works absolutely fine.

:rofl: wow, how old are you? I don’t think even my grandmother would remember buying electric devices without plugs. I dare to doubt that ever existed.

But you’re right about removing old plugs for re-use which when their prices dropped seemed a bit silly but now is eecoconscious. A bit like the mini-skirt; keep it in the cupboard, it will come back to fashion again and again.