Good morning from another Cheese Land

Hi everyone, Cheesy greetings from NL!


Hi Grumpy!

I spent many summers in the Netherlands when I was a child.
It may sound a bit sad but I used to love that Dutch cheese with the caraway seeds in!

Hi Tom!

It’s a tradition and has it’s place, personally I don’t like cheese with added flavour, but it’s much better than the UK flavoured cheeses.

Hello Grumpy. I’m looking forward to sampling cheeses at your old place at the Viadukt.

Anyone else going to the EF last pissup? Well first and last for me.

Tue 20 Feb 18h-? At the Viadukt Zurich.

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I‘m going and I know several others as well.

Next time on of your cheese tours in the Netherlands?

PS Grumpy, cheese with sambal is great!

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Glad to have you here, Grumpy. Hope all is going well in NL! :slight_smile:

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I’ll look forward to that!

All going well Phil!, thanks

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Just saw this, one time I got a job building a computer centre for a US company in Amstelveen along with a lot of “ex-pats”. We all stayed in the Marriot in Amsterdam.

The US company found the Marriot bills too high and sent someone to find a cheaper solution, he organised a bulk contract with a place called the Queen of Hearts.
Of course, it was a brothel, I used to spray my bed with disinfectant before going to bed as I never knew who had used it during the day.
The bar was very popular for a last drink before bed, full of beautiful women in lingerie. As residents, we were not expected to buy them imitation champagne at exorbitant prices.


I once stayed at a hotel in Kazakhstan. It was one of the few ‘luxury’ Western hotels. One evening, I waited in the lobby for a co-worker to arrive for dinner, when I learned of an interesting phenomenon.

Every evening, several very beautiful and well-dressed ladies would come in and sit down in the lobby and wait for someone to take them out.