Hair Transplant in Turkey

hi All,

Have anyone got recent Hair Transplant in Turkey which he can recommend and give some information like name of the clinic, estimated price, satisfaction of the service/operation etc?

Tia, check out this clinic. Price depends on how many hair transplant is needed- its in Istanbul- Spanish friend recommended and happy about it

My sister visits a friend in Istanbul twice a year and says the return flight is always full of guys who've been for this procedure.

A friend of mine has it done and is very happy with the result. For him, the only disadvantage is that he needs to apply deodorant to his head, but for that he doesn't need to shave his armpits anymore.

2 new members- one asking for a name, and the other providing one .. hey ho! Too good to be true.

Join dates in 2016 and 2018. If this is a con, it's a long con.

One with 23 posts and one with 66 posts.

Males shaving armpits.

I'm literally just sharing an info that I have.

Would have no benefits whatsoever -

Can we string this one out until Friday?

what do you care what other people do with their body?

Well to be fair, this is exactly what the thread is about, no?