Hello people, old lurker here

Hey gang. Nice to be here. I was on EF for years, mostly lurking but occasionally trying to be helpful with a post or two. Lived outside of Winterthur for a year with the wife and dog, now back in the US for a spell, and we are trying to figure out where to call home now.

I always enjoyed EF, and the myriad eccentrics thereon; despite the naysayers and trash-talkers dancing a jig on EF’s grave, I was able to extract quite a lot of insight, humor, and value from the posts. Sure it had its quirks, but what online forum does not? Speaking of that, this new forum software is really slick so far. Nice work to everybody who made this happen!


Welcome to our new home. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, Discourse is a big step up from our old vBulletin platform. Takes a bit of getting used to, but once you do it’s good.

OMG, goffredo, do you have your red hat handy? Welcome back.

Getting the band back together one should a time.

:confused: Methinks you mistake me for Carmen Sandiego?

Wasn’t it @Castro with the red hat?

I’ve never worn a red hat in my life, nor any hat for that matter.

I thought you wore a Jeremy Corbyn cap:


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An improvement considering I’m also accused of being a Champagne Socialist.

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You are by definition living in Switzerland.

If you were a true socialist, you’d be living in one of those countries where socialist is thriving and the people are all equal like…

You’re conflating socialism with communism.

I was convinced you used an avatar with a Christmas hat on the old forum. Apologies.

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I think you misunderstand socialism.

Or perhaps you just like the idea of socialism but wouldn’t want to live like that (or perhaps it’s ok for the workers, but not for you).

Can you see where we’re going here…


My recollection as well Bowlie

Socialism, with a small S if you like, as an ideology is not necessarily the same as Socialism, big S, as a form of government.

That’s true. But I still think that many socialists like the ideas in ideology without appreciating that in reality, it’s far from ideal.

I think @goffredo’s welcome thread has been hijacked so apologies for that!

Seems improbable.

Yaa, I’m getting on. Gonna be 70 in April. Memory just isn’t what it used to be.

I rather enjoy the discourse, though it seems I might need to invest in a red hat soon to live up to some unfounded reputation as a Santa, a socialist, or to show patriotic Swiss colors. I’m thinking perhaps a red DJ Ötzi-styled man-cloche; perhaps trimmed out along the bottom with a bucolic scherenschnitte of cows and fondue pots. Here’s the best AI could come up with.


The Republicans’ colour is red. Damned Commie trans-gender scum.