Anyone knows where can I purchase a product similar to Infacol in Switzerland - a Simethicone based product for babies that relieves wind, colic etc. Alternatively, do they sell anything like Gripe Water here?
I'm absolutely sure you can get this sort of product in Switzerland - I have been to several pharmacies for various things for my kids in the past few weeks and all have had staff who speak good English and know their products.
However, I have to add, 'gripe water' products for gas/wind don't work (scientifically), other than reassuring parents that they are doing 'something' for the colic. How old is your bubs ? PM me if you'd like some recommended sites or places you could go for baby info (I love crappy parenting advice!)....
We have several bottles in the cupbaord which we should get rid of (don't need anymore). If they are still in date you are welcome to have them (but I think they are past it, but can check tonight).
I remember rushing off to the VICTORIA APOTHEKE ZÜRICH - The English Pharmacy, Bahnhofstr. 71 to buy gripe water for my baby many years ago. I'd try them first. Good Luck with your windy baby!
It was amazing and did the trick. For bottle and breast fed babies.
It is all natural ingrediants.
Its not cheap and you get a tiny bottloe but it does last about a month. The lady who invented it is now trying to get licensed in the BNF so GP,s can prescribe.
We were also told to use flatulex - can get from the chemists. But it really didn't seem to make any difference. The dr suggested we gave him fennel tea, but I'm not feeling that cruel! Not sure if you're bf or not, but the midwife told me to stop him drinking when he starts wriggling and burp him. Wait for a minute or two, then let him drink again. This seems to be working for us in the last couple of weeks (10 week old), although maybe it's just his digestive system is that bit more mature now.
Finding a good position for your baby can also help loads. My mum actually found the A1 position for my son by accident within about two days of her visiting us after he was born (mums just seem to know this stuff).
For my son, he was best laid sideways on my arm with his tummy against mine (or whoever was carrying him at the time) then gently wobbled up and down. This seemed to aid his digestion and soothe him.
To the OP: try turning your baby in different positions and see which one works. Our midwife also recommended placing the baby, tummy down, over my lap with his head over one side and his legs dangling over the other. My son absolutely hated this but apparently it's a winner with other babies and their gassy guts.
My baby loves this! Put him so his chest is on one leg and legs on the other, let him wriggle til he's comfy and he'll sleep the whole evening...only annoying thing is I have to let his head rest on my hand and it gets quite tiring holding it all evening. Still, a small price to pay for some peace!
Absoluetly great advice, our 2nd son has his mummy and daddy position for feeding, not interchangable. For our first son (4 weeks prematue) who had bad gas and projectile vommy bombs, flatulex worked well, also try a lot of different burbing techniques (for us it was over the shoulder slapping him on the back no1 son) (no2 sits on my leg with one hand on tummy and the other hand supporting his back/neck and bounce your leg squeezing his tummy a bit) (or for bad bowel gas hug him with his back to your chest with one arm under his shoulders, with the other put it under his bottom grasping one leg and rotate his butt like a belly dancer, but be prepared for a quick nappy change!!), one will work and the problem will be gone in a couple of days.
Gripe water actually worked wonders for us, we had a gassy baby since she gulped so fast she inhaled too much air, so a good technique of burping and passive exercising of legs was the best, and a good gentle belly massage. I am not sure what it did in gripe water but it worked too well. So well, we only have it once every 4 days so our infant's guts wouldn't forget how to work and develop well...It was sold everywhere in Geneva pharmacies.
Now, with flatulex, we were going to give it to out bub before we noticed that one of the main ingredient was aluminum, the last thing I would want to load my few week old kiddo with it is a product designed for adults that can already filter out the garbage in chemicals.
If she’s already 2 months old you can start giving her a small quantity of fennel tea, but if she’s breast-fed you can watch more carefully what you eat (I’m assuming you’re the mom) and avoid the usual culprits - cabbage, broccoli, onion, spicy things, coffee, just look for the potential sensitivities caused by your diet. If she’s formula fed, talk with your paediatrician and change the current one. Oh…and hang in there!!