Last dog walk at night

Usually around midnight, in front of our door there is a sort of extended porch to the garden. The last few nights there was a cat and a large toad sleeping there.
It reminds me of train commuting here, they both ignore us, the dogs do their business and then we go back in and leave them to their sleep.


We have a badger that ambles past very occasionally if I’m out for doggo’s last late night pee. All bloody hell breaks loose.


Apparently badgers follow a fixed route every night so once you have seen one then you are likely to see it again.

Some years ago we saw a badger when doing our last round but he had clearly lost his route and was frantically searching around to find it again. The dogs and I dived into our underground garage as he seemed quite aggressive.

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I had it in mind how dangerous they can be but it’s only been there maybe three times over say, 18 months.

I think its scent has been there fairly regularly because there is often lot of frantic sniffing from doggo followed by a big shake-off. :laughing:

You need to get a pic of the cat and the toad. Sounds like the start of a nursery rhyme.


Or a lovely Beatrix Potter story…


I’ve seen loads of badgers here and in the UK but I’ve never had one chase me and bite me.
I can’t say the same for peoples’ dogs.

Sorry, only the toad

I will try to catch both of them tonight


We used to see a lovely hedgehog family, it was so cute!

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So, I didn’t know what a badger is and what did I learn today? English speaking people don’t like badgers. Or why else would “to badger” bring up terms like to molest or to harass or to pester?

Badger, badger. Badger… mushroom.

Yes, we have National Hate-the-Badger day in England on 31st November (except leap years). Non-compliant English people are forced to eat an entire English badger.

Actually, “badgering” comes from the long-banned blood sport of badger baiting. :wink:

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awww, I liked it better when it was a subtle hint in the verb.
Like the little drawings snuck in the Swiss topographic maps. :slightly_smiling_face: