What's the advantage of having a separate Euro account ?
I regularly shop over the border and usually pay with my Revolut chf account. If its not a lot of money and not the weekend I don't pay a charge and get the daily exchage rate.
So why bother with a EUR account ? I think there's a fee to 'transfer' money to the EUR so I don't get it. What am I missing ?
(I'm guessing the advantage is no fees to pay if the payment is made from my EUR account regardless of amount or day of the week ?)
Yeah thanks.. I just thought that.. but that's a gamble that the rate today will be better than on the day I shop. I also notice that I can either transfer to the Eur account from a bank transfer (for a bank fee) or.. seems better.. I can 'exchange' some chfs to euros within the app and, for the amount I just tried there is no fee.
Every time you make a payment in Euros, Revolut charge you a small fee. Converting a larger amount in one go incurs one fee which is possibly less than the many added up.
Yes but with the euro continuing to drop in value daily it would seem better to not lock in a rate. But with Revolut you can zero your € account and it will take the debit from your CHF account. When the € starts to appreciate reverse this.
When you have any pay back it'll wait hidden in your revolut account until you actually open the currency account and do whatever with the money. Well, it's not much hidden, it showed up somewhere in the app, but the only way to access it was to open that currency account.