Looking for a help with EasyTax - would prefer one-to-one session. Willing to pay.

Could not write any specifics in the title, as the space doesn't permit it, so here are the details:

1. German application

2. Help only with entries for dividend related instruments (stock, ETF) traded in USA with Interactive Brokers, and also regular stock trading activities. Someone who knows how to enter 100's of trades in manageable manners.

I live 10 km from Zurich and am flexible with time.

If you've got annual statements you can just use those as one entry rather than listing each and every trade?

Great. How? Do I only list these trades that are still opened on 31.12.YYYY ? If that's the case then it would be reasonably easy indeed. Saved me a lot of effort.

The OP could consider placing two lines items on the Wertschriften page. One for non-DA-1 items at Interactive Brokers with values and related income and one for DA-1 items at Interactive Brokers with values and income. The year-end brokerage statements should be included as support for the values and income.

Good luck!

So far, I've been manually entering each one which is a huge PITA as I was actively trading so have some 100 pages of transactions.

I was tempted to enter just 2 lines as mentioned for DA-1 and non-DA-1. Has anyone done this before and was there any pushback? Esp. for those in Basel Land.

With the ZH tax online software I enter all trades because I don't have many and it automatically picks all the data from ICTax. However, I've heard many anecdotes from other folks (in ZH - not sure BL) that they just add a single line with the total assets and dividends received per broker/bank (and splitting DA1/non-DA1), attach the detailed statement that contains all the trades and the tax office was totally cool with it. Might be worth trying and seeing what they say, especially if it saves you a lot of time (or just asking your tax office?)

We use Selma and that’s exactly what we do: one line with the total balance held there, as per their guidance ( https://support.selma.com/l/en/article/D2lApg20wp-tax )

So far no complaints from the ZH tax office

Generally there are two cases:

- if held with a swiss-based bank/broker, they will usually give you an annual summary with the totals: total income, total wealth, total withholding tax. This has to be a special document (sent around Feb) for Swiss tax declaration use, an ordinary wealth statement is not enough. You just put the totals.

- if held abroad , then you have to list individually each share you hold on 31.12, but not every transaction. For the shares on 31.12, you lookup in ictax the official chf value and use that to calculate the wealth. For revenue/dividends, you can calculate yourself per share using eg your foreign annual summary and convert using average yearly exchange rates (published on ictax website). The problem is that many cantonal software don't allow this, you have to justify every tiny increase in share held, with transaction dates.

- A software like DrTax greatly helps the process, it can calculate automatically most of the stuff, but you can override the calculation if necessary (thus avoiding having to list all the micro-transactions, to get the total correct). Best 30chf spent, you don't even need to pay until/if you are ready to use it to print/submit the tax declaration.

I'm in the Basel area - I only list a total portfolio value and upload a single screenshot as evidence of the overall total as well as charges/interest etc. I avoid assets that pay dividends so can't comment on that.

Never been asked to submit each transaction individually, that would be a nightmare!

Nah, OP, I'd like to compliment you on a particularly clear thread title, such as fora in general seldom see.

Looking for a help with EasyTax - would prefer one-to-one session. Willing to pay.

Can 2nd that. Except don't live anywhere near Basel.