What is this celebration, custom? Can’t find any information about it. Canton Zug
Schmotziger Donnerstag is February 27 this year…Ash Wednesday is a long way off. Put away that bacon and donuts!
Note to self, don’t post when intoxicated.
I couldn’t find anything either - your thread title is a bit weird??
However, don’t be surprised when they throw food out of the windows of the restaurant Aklin (as far as I remember from when I lived in Cham in the 80-ies a very nice/classy place) tomorrow
hmmm, is that a QR code on his sleave?
Or ask the tourist office or 20Minutes.
it’s something random, coat of arms, etc…
Zombies coming back to take revenge on corporate greed and hedgefund managers?
Found it It’s going to be more fun here
Oh, I’ve seen those silver dressed people too
Wow! So that’s who these guys were…saw them perform at a ski race in Garmisch years ago–their faces were professionally airbrushed with blue, decorated in silver moons and stars, and they were all wearing silver clothing. Great times.
Am I the only one who doesn’t see a connection with Rotchrüzer Fastnacht (February) or Groebler Rotkreuz (Ferbruary) and the puppets having been spottet in Zug city?
Unless it was advertising? Which is kind of unusual?
Looks like I created the confusion just writing canton Zug instead of a town where I’ve saw them, and perhaps attaching the photo to the first post. I don’t know why, but I assumed it’s cantonal event, well I’ve just moved to this area.
the devil is in the detail