I have to show some documents in a team meeting. Should the setting on the cam be with mirrored effect or without? With the mirrored effect turned on the print on the document is upside down. Does the other person also see it upside down?
They’ll need to see it upside down if they are calling into the meeting from Australia.
Do you mean you intend to place some paper documents in front of the camera for the other attendees to see them? Showing them on camera it is unlikely that they can be read properly, if that’s what you want. I would suggest you scan the documents and share your screen
- 1 on that. Having the document in front of the camera does not really work. If you want participants to read it, share your screen.
No. I have to show my passport on the team meeting not a copy of it. And my question remains unanswered. Mirroring or not? Seems like a really basic question.
Not that basic apparently. Why not call a friend and try it out?
Well when I turn on mirroring then the print on the documents is reversed. So is that what the other person will see?
I don’t know, but could you simply not mirror?
Yes that is what I will do.
Why not use a mirror to mirror your passport? Then it would be multi-mirrored.
I use Microsoft Teams a lot at work with clients from all over the world. No matter if the ‘Mirror my video’ toggle is on or off, the other person will always see you as you are. If the toggle is off and you see yourself mirrored, then the other person will also see you mirrored. In that case, you need to go to your computer’s camera settings (maybe in the device manager?) and make sure it’s set to unmirrored.
Hope this helps!
Can one set the video image that it is the same size for each person(2 people) or that the screen is equally split for both video images?