Probably a new demand for food tasters
peas on an average American dinner table? You’re sure?
Shouldn’t that alone already raise the husband’s suspicions?
Peas are fine. The abomination called “mushy peas” is more than enough for a quick divorce.
Boring peas are punishment food for school children, hence why we invented the delicacy of peas blended with cream, butter, salt, pepper and mint.
This shouldn’t be confused with the reheated pigswill you find in many fish n chip shops in Britain.
Tbh, I’ve never had good mushy peas, and I tried to like them*. However, I take your word that there’s a good version somewhere out there. In all fairness, adding cream and butter to anything will make it eatable, so not sure if this is the best way to promote them.
*For years I was convinced that there’s no good fish 'n chips until someone took me to “her” place and it was absolutely amazing. Probably the only insight here is that recipes matter less, execution matters more.
I’m not so certain they reheat it.
If this is what you are making at home then it is not real “mushy peas”. I’m not disputing that it may taste better.
Real mushy peas (from a F and C shop) are made with marrowfat peas which are not the same as garden peas:
Marrowfat peas are green mature peas that have been allowed to dry out naturally in the field, rather than being harvested while still young like the normal garden pea. They are starchy, and are used to make mushy peas
I think disgusting culinary features of the UK deserve a separate thread.
Which is why I deleted my bit about peas. Not that I find them disgusting but because I guess we have to torture ourselves with Trump subjects for at least 8 more days in this thread. (spare me the "you’re a wishful-thinker accusation, thanks).
We should give peas a chance…
I’ll get my coat.
That is a pea puree. Never tried it myself, I think I prefer whole peas with a bit of butter, caramelised onion and plenty of dill. As a side dish to roast chicken…of course!!! Is there any other way?..
You missed the deep-fried Mars bars.
Dunno what you’re showing, but all of these are 3 Michelin stars vs mushy peas. This is like vomit of a terminally ill cockroach and shouldn’t be close to a normal human under any circumstances
Those are Scottish no? Obviously, eagerly adopted by the flyover-country in the US, but in all fairness if the choice is between haggis and deep fried mars bar I’d take a double Scotch and call it a day
Execution and raw materials. I think you can upgrade most recipes. Take hamburgers for instance; quite a difference between fast food/frozen hamburgers and the home made ones, with better meat, real bread rolls etc And yes, I had delicious fish and chips too, so it depends…
Just had to reverse-image that pic. The twitter comments after it are hilarious.
Eh? I did. I’d never seen such a serving so reversed imaged it. On google, if you please.
There is already a carrot thread:
I have no idea where you found that image but I have never ever in my life seen anybody eat mushy peas on toast.
Serve along 3 or 4 black beers and it’s winter comfort food
The igel is indeed a crime against nature, why use ground meat when cutting the meat with a knife by hand yields much better results?