(Need help) 2018 Tax still pending, and registered letter received today


I received a registered letter today about my 2018 tax return with the following contents:


Ohne Verjährungsunterbruch im Sinne von § 130 Abs. 3 lit. a StG bzw. Art. 120 Abs. 3 lit. a DBGwürde das Recht, die Steuerperiode 2018 zu veranlagen, allenfalls bald verjähren (§130 Abs. 1 StGbzw. Art. 120 Abs. 1 DBG). Um dies zu verhindern und um Ihnen unnötige Umtriebe in Form von Ak+teneinforderungen etc. zu ersparen, möchten wir Sie darauf hinweisen, dass wir weiterhin eine Einschätzung der Steuerperiode 2018 anstreben und mithilfe dieses Schreibens die Verjährung unterbrechen.


I have still not received my tax refund for 2018 (expected ~2k CHF). Everytime, I ask them they say that they are still waiting for some money from the previous contain where I stayed (I moved in 2018).

I am not exactly sure what the letter means (not a native German speaker), and how should I proceed further?

Does anyone have any advice?

AFAIK you have only 3 years to claim tax refund. I'm not fluent in German either but it seems they wrote they put on hold the deadline because they are "busy" with your tax return.

I'm also surprised as I thought that the law only meant that you need to file the tax return within 3 years, not that it might expire if it get stuck anywhere in the process

They say that they have halted the statue of limitation . Which is good if they owe you money, as otherwise it would be lost.

Yes but anyone could explain why such letter was sent in the first place? Assuming the tax return declaration was already submitted by the tax payer is there still any deadline? If so that would mean in practice the taxman could just steal your money legally by just ignoring you.