Notify period

Hi everyone,

I need your advice. Currently working in a restaurant for 4 months, I would like to leave it following the bad behavior of my boss, drunk every day and practicing moral harassment. My notify period is 1 month, what will happen if I leave work without doing so? Then can I start a new job directly afterwards? Thanks for your help

Did you work somewhere else prior to your current workplace? Do you have another job lined up? If not, what will you do for income until you find something else? Because if you haven't worked here for at least a year, you won't be eligible to apply for unemployment benefits. If you just leave without giving notice, you risk not getting a reference and/or being penalized by the RAV. If your current job situation and boss are making you sick, then you should take sick leave. My advice would be to look for another job and try to get out of there ASAP.

Thank you for your answer. I'm in Switzerland for the season, i don't live here so i don't expect to get unemployement benefits. I've already worked in different places. I'm ok with the job, not with the bad treatment and psychologic pressure. I talked to my boss morning and proposed him an agreement, i stayed til end of the month and get my full money, otherwise i quit now. Health is more important than money.

If the press is anything to go by, there is a shortage of people for restaurant / hospitality work. You know the industry better than me - so correct me if I am wrong - I assume that puts you in a reasonably string position in terms of finding new work if you have to.



The key question isn't really the job but your visa situation and whether that is in any way tied to the job or quitting could make it difficult to stay here.

Assuming visa is not an issue, then if you quit with immediate effect they can do two things - not pay you, and sue you for damages. The first is quite likely to happen, but the second would be very surprising for someone on a short contract, I assume not a critical staff member, and even more so if you put the reasons very bluntly on your resignation letter. It just isn't worth their effort or the embarrassment of you probably counter-claiming harassment, constructive dismissal and the right to be paid your notice in full.