Oil central heating and hot water tanks

Hi all,

Does anyone have a basic understanding of typical oil central heating and hot water tanks? We have a 6,000l oil tank which connects to a Swiss condens oil boiler (elco burner). We also have a 300l tank of hot water (pictured).

Does anyone know the brand of this HW tank?

More importantly does someone know exactly how the water is heated into the tank? Eg from the oil boiler or is it standalone electric?

Not sure how you could derive the brand from that pic but.. we have a similar set up and the water tank (boiler) provides hot water and is heated electrically like a big kettle. The oil is used for the central heating system. (this makes sense if you think about it.. you generally want 24x7hr hot water but not necessarily 24x7 heating)

just follow the pipes to see if there pipes from the burner to the tank.

our water is heated from the oil burner. both central heating and water have separate timer controls.

my boiler can only heat one at a time and has a valve which controls which it heats (it by default priortizes water if both need heating at the same time).

Thanks, will need to inspect pipes when I'm back.

You can't quite see in the pic but it says "electric heater".

Couple of things though:

- the central heating broke down last month and the hot water still worked

- the house was advertised as having oil heated hot water and we receive separate bill for that.

Phil_MCR does your boiler have an electrical backup? That would make sense.

some tanks do have electrical immersion heaters. mine does not.

an immersion heater will be obvious as there will need to be a thick electrical cable going to the immersion heater on the tank (as opposed to a thinner one which might be there for temperature sensor).

My central heating is by oil burner and hot water from a heat pump.

The thing which is circled red might just be the service hole where one could put in an electric heating element.