passport, when can i leave

Do I have to stay in Switzerland while waiting for a passport after submitting the application after 10 years? or i can safely leave the country and it does not affect the process? thanks


As the process is on three levels - your locality, cantonal, and federal, the rules may vary. But in general, and definitely in my canton, you must remain in your locality until the locality part of the process is over (~about a year after you apply on average in my locality). Thereafter you can move within Switzerland but are expected to stay in the country until the process is finished. You should look up the rules for your locality and canton.

Children can leave the country for schooling purposes, but only up to a year, no longer, or the naturalization clock resets.

You are so much nicer than I

You can only submit an application for a passport after you've been granted citizenship.

If you've been granted citizenship, then you can leave the country and still get a passport.

If you leave the country while applying for citizenship - i.e. deregister with the aim you'll never come back (or as your other post indicates, for three years) then probably the process will end.

The application is usually processed swiftly and you have your new Swiss passport in less than two weeks. And once your biometrics have been taken you have usually the passport in your mailbox within 3 working days.

As a Swiss citizen you have the right to return to Switzerland at any time regardless if you have the passport. So yes, from the Swiss side you can leave the country when you have applied for the passport. No problem. However, you will need a valid ID to enter the foreign country. As your passport gets annulled there might be a short period where you cannot leave the country. Unless you have some other recognized ID suitable for international travel. Like a Swiss ID which expires at another date.

Despite the OP saying they applied for a passport, I think they actually mean they applied for citizenship.

OP, you can go on holiday, but you can’t move away from Switzerland. You also need to be available for interviews etc.

jak, do you have Swiss citizenship?

Or are you getting naturalised and if so, what stage is that process at?

When you say leave, do you mean as a tourist for weeks, or for longer like years incl. deregistering?

From another post, OP wants to leave the country for a couple of years.