Well…a sun ripened, heirloom tomato is not exactly good business unfortunately. Open-pollinated, non-hybrid, low yielding, short shelf life and short growing season This is why the few of us who still have parents or grandparents tending them are forever grateful. My kids don’t eat tomatoes in Switzerland for a good one month after the summer holiday because of the tomatoes their grandparents are growing…
My neighbour here still grows heirloom tomatoes and we are lucky enough to be on the receiving end of loads of them every summer.
The taste is incomparable to anything you can find in the shops.
What did Romans put on Pinsas before tomatoes were brought from Markland / America?
Pineapple. Obviously.
I honestly thought it was Friday today until I saw this.
(guess who finished work today?)
I know exactly how you feel! In the past, when my Norwegian husband came with me to Iran, he always got confused because in the Persian week system, the week starts on Saturday.
Wednesday (which is today) is the 5th day of the week, so it’s kind of like their version of Friday. He is more used to it now, but it still throws him off sometimes! For example, when he sees that on a Saturday or Sunday morning (~ 6 am), I’m getting phone calls from my clients in Iran.
I am among the fortunate ones who knows how a tomato is supposed to taste; that’s not possible to have here in Switzerland, unfortunately. (at least not for us)
Isn’t that called “Hawaiian pizza”? I think I’ve tried it once or twice!
You’re right, its not possible because you can’t get enough sun for long enough to get the big heirloom varieties to ripen to the right acidity AND sweetness. But someone commented that they’re having good tomatoes in Switzerland. Let them believe in miracles:)
Btw, this is why the almost acceptable “farmer” tomatoes available at some markets in Switzerland which are eatable in July and August are much smaller. Its kinda does the trick, but you cant get the big, proper ones.