I mean if you will use WordPress …
No idea why so many sites use it, it’s horrible.
It´s just another variation of toast Hawaii.
Still do them from time to time… When I am drunk and hungry and it´s late, or early, depending on what side of 0:00 o´clock I am.
Pineapple on pizza is like voting for trump: it’s ones choice, but it tells me more about someone in a single sentence than I care to know.
I Wonder if any other fruit would work on Pizza?
I think it is the tangy sour sweet of the pinapple that enchances the savory.
Orange on Pizza? I know that banana on Pizza works… Sweet potato perhaps, or Go whole Hog And try peanut Butter on Pizza, as you know peanut Butter And vanilla icecream works, so why Not Pizza?
Tomato is a fruit. Dont mess with perfection
Did anybody else have tomato butties Sprinkled with sugar as a kid, along with crisp And banana butties?
I like pineapple on pizza, I don’t eat it often but I like it and I don’t care what any of the self appointed food police think.
We had tomato sandwiches but sprinkled with salt. We also had banana sandwiches and crisp sandwiches but never the two together.
Well, you like mushy pees, so no surprises there
Mmmm! Mushy peas, I Dream of bathing in mushy peas.
Ham and Pineapple have gone together for a long time. The sweetness of the pineapple balances the saltiness of the ham.
There are many food pairings which work but which people may not like to eat such as balsamic vinegar and strawberries or honey and greek yogurt.
Ground Black Pepper on strawberrys.
I make a summer salad of watermelon, mint, feta, and Kalamata olives with lime vinaigrette.
I like both of those pairings.
Gammon and pineapple was one of those things we often saw on the menu on the rare occasions we went out to eat as kids. I liked it then and I like the combination on a pizza occasionally now.
I guess it is Friday already. Enjoy the weekend.
In my aged-horse-manure fertilised raised beds in California, I grew Radiator Charlie’s Mortgage Lifters…some of those tomatoes were almost a kilo–massive beefsteaks. I used to take two slices of sourdough bread and slap an inch-thick slice of one of those monsters on, sprinkle Maldon salt and a grinding of pepper. All you need.
maybe just a slice of mozarella cheese and a pinch of Basil and a sprinkling of scally onions.
Now we talking.
Good tomatoes are a privilege few are privy to. Id personally add a touch of olive oil, but you described a perfect lunch. And a glass of beer
OMG those were the days. Riding the horse, tending the garden, growing all the things that were precious. It’s so sad that most people have never had really wonderful tomatoes and melons. The yellow jackets knew when the netted melons were perfect…I’d go out in the morning to check on them, and the insects had already eaten through the skins in search of the sweeter-than-sweet flesh.