Princess Kate in recovery from cancer

Kate has made a public announcement about her treatment of cancer. Her speech is dignified, regal and touching. She has certainly become a present day role model in many aspects.

Wishing her a full recovery!


She’s "regal’ because she has cancer?! Millions get cancer every year. She’s just one of many, nothing regal or special about her. The thing that is special is that shes getting the care and attention that Millions aren’t getting simply because she got a lucky marriage.

Would never get the ridiculous fetish of the English with the useless and frankly ridiculous “royal family”


She’s a public figure who is trying to make a difference. I was moved by her statement but obviously not everyone will be.


Wish her all the best, as a wife and mother if nothing else.


To be fair, Olygirl said it was the speech that was regal…

Anyway, cancer sucks. It’s a shame she has it and has to go through it with all sorts of public speculation and rumors. Some people who are famous post every little detail of their cancer journey and want the clicks, likes and sympathy. I have the impression Kate would rather hole up somewhere remote and reappear many months down the road when she’s better.

You’re absolutely right that she and King Charles II are getting special care and attention that millions wouldn’t get. But I can’t begrudge her for that. The rules for royals were made up long before she hit the scene. And no matter how special she is treated, she still has to get through it.


There are many negatives about the British National Health Service, but historically cancer care has not been one of them. Most private patients will see the same oncologists as those in the NHS but with some fringe benefits and perhaps access to more expensive biologics. I suspect the extra requirements for royals are related to security and privacy. Of course there may be differences with the more complex or fast spreading cancers, but for the bulk of cases I would still put my faith in the NHS.

Cancer absolutely sucks. As a human to human I wish she never had to confront that and i wish her a recovery, which is almost never “speedy”.

Its the additional touch of “royal” that triggered my response. She absolutely doesn’t deserve anything more than any other cancer patient just because she married a “prince”

I’m not sure the thread title is correct.

She is not in recovery from cancer - she is in the early stages of receiving chemotherapy treatment.

That’s far from recovery.

I wish her well.


They have removed the cancer and it’s preventative chemo. So whilst I agree with you that recovery comes after, I would say she is well on the way .


So it was something like a cyst or a trachoma that was removed, I assume and while doing that, they discovered it wasn’t that benign?

I may be wrong (I really don’t follow the royal circus beyond what makes headlines in, but so far, she seems to have handled the “princess” part rather well.
Not too shy, not too exuberant, always decently attired for the occasion, not too shabby, not too flashy but still elegant.

All the things Megan and Sophie never were and never will be, she basically is: the “extra” that is two steps behind the king.

Cancer is always shit, cancer when you’ve got three small kids - that’s really shit.

If only Andrew and Harry weren’t such colossal fails, the King and the Prince could share their duties with more “deputies”. As such, it falls mostly on Anne.

It’s very tough when every move is scrutinized by the media, so I hope she gets enough privacy to get through chemo in some semblance of peace.

I hope she will do well. Respect for not saying battling cancer or being a cancer sufferer.

She’s likely to feel like absolute sh*t for a while, although I imagine she has the best resources available.


I heard the news on the radio first and watched them on tv later. I can’t even imagine how lonely she must have felt having to give this “speech”. Even OH said something about William should have been holding her hand while she made that announcement. Of course, we don’t know about the royal protocols. We see everyone as people first an then whatever other attributes they may have.
I feel really sorry for her, as a mother, woman, wife. I really wish her all the best. Let’s hope (and pray) that the treatments will work. She is still young and her body is strong.

Are you sure you mean Sophie? She and Prince Edward have been quietly getting on with their royal duties in the background, much like Princess Anne. I don’t see what your problem is with Sophie.


Well in the UK, everybody has access to free medical treatment for cancer. Though I don’t doubt she probably has accesst to the best doctors and isn’t low down on any waiting list.

But there is an additional factor and that is the rabid media attention on her which creates extra considerations and stress as they seek to protect their young kids from the news.


Sorry I haven’t worked out how to quote a part of a post yet, but I heartily agree with your comment about battling cancer and cancer survivor. I have had cancer, my husband has had it twice and my brother has non-Hodgkins lymphoma. We all agree that there’s nothing worse than someone telling you to keep fighting when in reality you simply do what you need to and hope it works. We all joked that if we got a “cancer survivor” tattoo, as I have seen people do, that we would be bound to get a lethal skin cancer from it! I really wish Kate the very best. The chemo is described as preventative, so one hopes that there’s no metastasis and that her body copes with it well. Really awful though, in my opinion, to have to do it all in the public eye.


It’s unfortunate to make a personal attack on someone. I don’t know where you come from, but your bitterness and aggression towards people with different opinions to yours is very weak, pathetic and sad.

Sorry to say it but you come across as a very inadequate person.

I sincerely hope that you irgendwann find some happiness and peace with yourself.

And as the majority of the British public are rightly proud of the royal family so ‚do one‘ sonshine.

Absolutely. I don’t get why they had her make this announcement, all alone, while they could have just used a palace’s spokesperson. But then these royal women have to show up in the public the next day they just gave birth etc etc etc. Sounds very victorian to me. Time to bring the monarchy in a more modern line of thought me thinks. :wink:

Precisely the fetish I’m talking about. My fetish is smart women, yours is the royal family.

Where is the ignore button again? Seriously. I don’t want to read garbage posts.

Edit: Found the ignore button.

It’s hardly a fetish! Yes, there are Brits and many others round the world who regard the British royal family almost like gods to be worshipped.

I’m a Brit and my feeling is the royals have long had their day and should be put out to pasture and the house of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, rebranded Windsor, abolished.

The days of serfs, slaves and servants are passed. Sure I feel sorry for anyone with cancer and have seen too many friends bravely fight and lose to it. But Kate is not alone, is not the first and won’t be the last…