Have any of you used a Radon measurement service or bought a radon detector? I’m looking for recommendations.
Airthings View Radon. Measure for 1 month, then move device to a different room.
No need for anything more expensive, since unlikely to have a problem. Highest readings are for buildings in the mountains and below ground level (basements) or when weather is bad (low pressure). After some months, when you hopefully have your piece of mind, the device works as a thermo/hydro monitor with remote access. Comes with a phone app which stores values over time.
I put my details into the radon assessment form and got this advice:
They also give a list of measuring laboratories (PDF, 410 kB, 20.12.2024).
I have a few “airthings” around the house. Really useful… and you can use them to turn on air filters if needed. For radon, it seems like opening the windows is the only option, but then that increases pollen and smog in summer…
Indoors air is always more polluted that outdoors air because our houses have items that emit lots of stuff: paint, plastics, curtains, candles, cleaning products. So, never doubt about opening the window, outdoors air is cleaner. Inside your house it’s “smog” + everything else.
Of course, in some places around the world the industry produces particles that precipitate from air and they stains objects. People calls this “smog”, but it’s only particulate matter.
You don’t have hayfever I assume?
I assure you that opening a window is a lengthy debate in our household, and typically is followed by either turning the heating up to tropical levels (in winter), or turning the air filters up to hurricane speeds (spring & summer).
My neighbours believe in Lüften twice a day, no matter if it’s -10C outside. I’ve seen their doors and windows wide open today, when we had a high of -4C and a nighttime of -10C.
It does reduce the chance of mould.
Aren’t people obliged to do this? At least is rented apartments.