Rant, reddit turned the most hostile sewage on this planet

I haven’t been an active user of reddit, but today I’ve spent a few hours disbelieved that I can’t find any forum to post my simple DIY question. Every channel would auto ban it as irrelevant or similar excuses, even the r/help turned me down

THats nomal in this day and age. Its 99% crap in the internet. BRING back YahooAnswers.

I’ve seen many active hobbyists’ groups on Facebook. Maybe try to find a fitting one for you question.

There used to be the newsgroups/Usenet, maybe worth a try…

Thanks, I don’t feel like it’s so important, but sure it frustrated me that the autobots didn’t let me ask a topic relevant question. Looks like the AI revolution is just that, telling you what you can or cannot talk about without understanding what you’re saying, but who cares…

Do you mean Apple Intelligence or Artificial Intelligence? Try Reddit. Its pretty shitty but sometimes they let such posts through. But I am sure there are alot of handymen/lady on this forum who love DIY. :rofl:

:rofl: now you made my day

If you need DIY help, go search for videos on YouTube.

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