RAV and childcare/kita

Good morning,

I just received my termination and I haven't signed up for the RAV yet, since I still have 2 months of employment and a few options. However the kita has a 3 months notice period therefore I would like to plan this out now.

I understand that the RAV will become my "employer" and that I need to be fully available for them.

The question that I have is, what forms of childcare or "backup" childcare are admissible in order to avoid penalty in my income. I have contacted the RAV by email however I would like to hear the community feedback on this topic.

The cost of the kita currently is very high expense and with the 80% income that I will get, I would prefer to reduce the kita attendance to 40% or 60% if possible.

Can you let me know which forms of childcare are admissible or give me some general input on this topic?


The RAV form “Bescheinigung Kinderbetreuung (Obhutsnachweis)” and instructions should assist to answer your questions:
