Note: Pension payment can not be deferred, you have to start taking your pension once you leave the company.
In other words, if you receive money from your pension fund, are unemployed, and under 65 years old, will you get payment from RAV?
Note: Pension payment can not be deferred, you have to start taking your pension once you leave the company.
In other words, if you receive money from your pension fund, are unemployed, and under 65 years old, will you get payment from RAV?
But then ask RAV? You can continue working also after retirement.
Blick covered this topic (translated):
"I am 61 years old. Our company had to make massive job cuts. Mine too. But I have the advantage of taking early retirement. Can I still register with the unemployment insurance fund, because I would like to earn some extra money.
Were you forced to take early retirement or was it your own decision?
This is the first question that the regional employment agency (RAV) will ask you. Because depending on this, you may receive unemployment compensation. If you chose to take early retirement rather than resign, you will receive nothing. The fund will argue that you have decided to retire and will therefore not pay any daily allowances.
The situation is different if you were forced to retire. There are many pension funds that force their members to retire from the age of 58. Employers take advantage of this and retire their employees early so that they have to make fewer redundancies."
Depending on your skills and experience you may get a job that is better paid than you were or worse. You can maintain your standard of living with a salary that is not lower than the difference between your old salary and your pension.
Alternatively, depending on your personal circumstances you could consider returning to your home country or somewhere like Thailand that has a lower cost of living.
I have often heard stories of early retired people who returned to work for their old company on a freelance basis because they could not find a suitably experienced replacement.
I find "go home" or move to Thailand not to be very helpful advice.
A company cannot force you to go on early retirement as far as I know
I have a meeting with RAV in two weeks and will confirm what has already been said here i.e. I will get a payment from RAV. I assume my pension will be subtracted from that amount.
i don't see why you would deduct pension from RAV payment.
If you do not take retirement, but get fired, then the pot (in German, called FreizuĚgigkeitsleistungen) is supposed to be paid into the pension scheme of your next employer. Alternatively, it can be paid into the government mandated Foundation known rather clumsily as Die Stiftung Auffangeinrichtung BVG La Fondation institution suppleĚtive LPP The Substitute Occupational Benefit Institution.
Im Auftrag des Bundes schliessen wir LuĚcken im System der zweiten SaĚule â damit alle in der beruflichen Vorsorge abgesichert sind. Die Stiftung Auffangeinrichtung BVG ist eine Non-Profit-Organisation mit einem wichtigen Auftrag des Bundes: Wir versichern alle anschlusswilligen Arbeitgebenden und Einzelpersonen in der obligatorischen beruflichen Vorsorge (BVG) â als einzige Vorsorgeeinrichtung der Schweiz.
Sur mandat de la ConfeĚdeĚration, nous comblons les lacunes du systeĚme du deuxieĚme pilier - afin que chacun soit couvert par la preĚvoyance professionnelle. La Fondation institution suppleĚtive LPP est une organisation aĚ but non lucratif investie dâun mandat formel de la ConfeĚdeĚration : nous assurons tous les employeurs et particuliers souhaitant sâaffilier dans la preĚvoyance professionnelle obligatoire (LPP) et sommes la seule institution de preĚvoyance en Suisse aĚ le faire.
On behalf of the federal government, we fill gaps in the second pillar system â so that everyone is covered by the occupational benefit scheme. The Substitute Occupational Benefit Institution is a non-profit organisation with an elementary mandate from the Swiss Confederation: We insure all employers and individuals who wish to join the mandatory occupational benefits scheme (BVG/LPP) â as the only occupational benefits institution in Switzerland.
Their benefits are unlikely to be superb, but itâd probably be worth your while asking for their rules or calculations to see whether, by paying in to that foundation from the date of your dismissal up until your regular date of retirement, youâd be able to get a pension with less of a cut than your currently anticipated 30%.
There is a form that has to be completed by the employer when you register for benefits and on that form the employer will indicate that you took early retirement, which in turn will lead to additional questions which will be used to decide if you are entitled to any benefits.
So far of the five or six people I know who did this, none got benefits but all qualified for job search services.
Does you early retirement package not include a supplemental payment to cover the first pillar pension until such time as the state one kicks in? Everyone I know that took early retirement got this.
It is starting to sound like being fired is a better option than taking the early retirement package.
I assume I will get full pillar 1 (by moving time employed in another EU country to make up the full 44 years), so that is max CHF 2500.- (more once the wife retires) and my pension will be around CHF 3000.-, totaling max CHF 5500.-
My original question was in regards to if RAV would top that up to 80% of my current salary.
I know this may sound like a first world problem, but we live in a first world country.
Once you are retired, the ALS no longer pays you anything.
RAV NEVER pays you anything, just make you to paperwork and stuff.
Menzi do you have an update on the situation re RAV and early retirement?