I have a question on the rules regarding entitlement if you were receiving benefits, then you unregister because of a temporary contract, & then need to re-register.
My exact situation is that I arrived in Switzerland in Nov 2008 and worked for 10 months till Aug 2009. I then claimed unemployment benefits (chomage) with no drama. Pre-existing work in an EU country counted towards my entitlement.
After 13 months unemployed, in Sep 2010, I found a temporary (6 weeks at 100%) contract. The contract is clearly marked as fixed term. I went into the Caisse & asked what I should do wrt to the chomage and they said I had 2 options:
Sign off & declare myself no longer unemployed. Then, if contract not extended re-register in Nov 2010.
Continue to declare myself unemployed but fill in ‘‘gain intermediare’’ forms for the days worked.
After some confusion I went with option 1 & ‘‘signed off’’. A mistake I think…
I was still well within my entitlement with approx 100 days remaining.
Now, the contract is coming to an end & I need to re-register while I continue to look for work. However, I am worried that for a new registration they will apply the "must have worked 12 months out of preceding 24’’ test & I will not be eligible. Basically, in the lst 2 years I have worked about 10.5 months & been receiving chomage for 13.5.
Does anyone know how this will be viewed? I really want to continue the original claim (from Aug 2009) as I still have eligibility. Is this possible?
Obviously, I know I have to go & talk to them but if anyone has any experience of this I’d be very interested.
I'd ask them. I don't really understand why you deregistered with a temporary contract... doesn't make much sense.
I doubt that they apply the same restrictions to people reregistering after the termination of a temporary contract as they would to new applicants. However, I think you'd better contact them before your contract terminates, for there's a certain waiting period and you'll be without help for some time.
Excuse the massive thread bump, but I may find myself in a similar situation soon as I am currently on chomage. Has anyone any experience of this? Does the clock keep counting before the chomage runs out, is it suspended until the contract ends, is it reset, etc?
I would ask my ORP adviser but the next meeting isn't for another 8 weeks and even then he isn't exactly the warmest of characters.
Once you open a rahemnfrist that runs for 2 years, even if your only unemployed for 1 week. Recalculations can only be done after that 2 years have elapsed.
If you take a fixed term contract you have to be looking for 3 months before the end of the contract, so no point in signing off for short contracts.
I wonder if the outcome is the same even if you continued to be declared as unemployed but worked for the 10months then the saved days could exceed the Rahmenfrist (2year) period anyway, would these get carried over to a new Rahmenfrist on re-registration or the same criteria (min 12months work in past 2 year) still apply.
I think I follow that for short term contracts it is not worth signing off, especially as I'm only 4 months into the chomage period. Does that also mean that if I get a 12 month contract I should sign off or will I not be able to sign back on within 24 months of my original sign on date?
Note that there is a difference between eligible days for unemployment compensation and the qualified period (Rahmenfrist). Your monthly statement should provide this information.
My experience is that it is normally worthwhile to accept short-term contracts while on RAV. This gives you additional experience, allows you to make new business contacts, makes your CV look better (reduces the unemployment gap) and you get paid. Also, if the wage amount is less than the RAV daily allowance, RAV will make up the difference.
Additionally, if the two-year qualified period (Rahmenfrist) runs out while you still have eligible days for unemployment compensation because of your interim work , RAV will normally apply to the Kasse for another one.
Hi, I am currently on RAV and it will end January 2025. During the period of February 2023-January 2025, I worked 5 months full-time (off RAV) and will have 7 months of part-time work (interim earnings + RAV topped up). Will I be able to open a new rahmenfrist in February 2025 using the 5 mo FT+7 mo PT contributions? I understand the daily wage will be less, but I am interested in how this will work. I will have around 30 days unused in January 2025 once this first Rahmenfrist is over. Hope I make sense!
Since you will have 12 months in 24 months yes, however the insured earnings is based on last 6 months or last 12 months annual earnings. It’s important to try & get some work in those last 6 months. I once had a huge final 6 months & my RAV payout exceeded the earnings in the previous 12 months!
I am actually back. ALK only calculated 4.11 months of work during the 5 months I thought I was employed since August and December were partial months during the contract. My new question is… I will have only 11.11 months of work at the end of my Rahmenfrist but will continue to work part-time in February. Am I able to open a new Rahmenfrist once I hit 12 months of contributions? I am confused. August 2023-December 2023 worked 4.11 months (large salary); July 2024-February 2025 (not so large a salary). Do I still have a chance to earn money from ALK/RAV as I am looking for full-time employment?
Yes, it’s 12 months in the last 24 months, with the benefit calculation based on the last 6 or 12 months, whichever is better for you. You need to work another month as soon as possible.
Thank you. They are stating that because my contract was from mid-August 2023 to mid-December 2023 only counts as four months. I did not receive benefit in August but did in December. However, I am thinking it won’t count anyway since it was too long ago? I will work some in December, January and February, so by March 1, 2025 I would have 12 months of contributions, but if it only counts back 6 months or 12 months… my 12 months of contributions spans from August 2023-February 2025… and the lowest paying months are July 2024-February 2025. So my guess is that the benefit paid would be quite low and less then my interim/part time earnings…
12 months in 24 months to qualify, benefit is based on average of LAST 6 months or LAST 12 months, whichever is the best.
I had a rahemnfrist when my annual payout exceeded my previous 12 months earnings due to a very high average last 6 months earnings, it pissed them off as originally they claimed I did not have enough days to qualify at all & I was wasting my time putting in the claim
Who makes the determination? I have been writing with ALK and that is who may have given me wrong information on how many months of contributions I have. I suppose I can just apply and go from there in a few months if needed.