Regarding health insurance

Greetings everyone,

I am leaving at the end of the month and I have already communicated my departure to the commune (inhabitant control) and the immigration office. I am stationed in Ticino.

I wanted to know if I must also contact my health insurance agency asking them to terminate my basic and supplementary insurances myself.

I was told by some colleague that this is done automatically by the commune, but just asking you all to be sure.

Many thanks in advance.

It may depend on your nationality/residency status, but I would assume not. Phone up the commune and ask them.

You should contact your health insurance provider: send a registered cancellation letter and make sure to mention that you want to cancel both Assicurazione di base " LAMal " and Assicurazioni complementari " LCA ". Don’t forget to state the policy termination date: 31.12.2023. Attach a copy of the departure certificate (certificato di partenza dal comune) that you can obtain from here:

click on “Certificato di avvenuta notifica di partenza”

Many thanks for the answers. This is what I thought it would take as well.